Friday, June 11, 2010

result kes

haha. finally I change my layout and found this is the best and interest layout which I like it most. ada burung terbang-terbang. so peaceful like living in freedom and convenience area, shows how time go flies. indeed, it was meaningful and took me high interested on that. okay dah enough membebel pasal layout. actually honest to say, I ni jenis buta IT. or I've no interest on upload or download or else to explore on layout layout ni. memang tak ah. when I was sign in just now, there's up the new layout provided and took me interest to look in.

emm talking about result. hehe. senyum kambing dulu, my result fall into 3.## compared to last time I managed to get DL. I was like oh, so upset and disappointing with that, I hope something more but unfortunately it come with something worst. for people information, I never check result exam by my self. memang gemuruh, everysemester my result will be checked by my superd intelligent friends, amalina padang. I received her msg at 13.25 a.m, already sleep and suddenly wake when heard the msg. I read your msg twice weh, before realize yes am not dreaming. huh. mengeluh jugak time tu, it difficult to get sleep back after know my result. GGPA drop to 3. ## . I thought of effort am given for last semester. rewind back how struggle am I to study managerial eco and Marketing research. bukan nak cakap susah, kalau susah tak kan ada orang manage to get an A on it kan. so, I call it my mistake, might be no focus or overconfident. indeed, am pissed off. sedih tapi tak keluar air mata. and then I asked her result? I mengeluh for second. am proud with her, WOWWWW. macam mana kau study ye. atau memang dilahirkan bijak. sebab aku ni jenis kena pulun kaw kaw study betul2 sampai kena perli-perli dengan kawan sebab aku terlampau pulun, baru aku dpt score. tu aku lah. toward the end result macam hmmpeh. nak macam kau nak 3.9 nak nak nakkkkkkkkkkkkk. tp alhamdulillah. 3 is still begins the number. kalau jatuh smpai 2 mmg aku sebak babe.

dah lah, stop thinking what past, I've 2 more semester left before graduate, I'll try to make sure my CGPA will reach 3.8 dalam sijil nanti. please please all my successful friend, gimme some tips to get it, nadia, nadia atiqah amalina padang. please.

so that's all regarding result exam. next issue will be am going to leave UiTM Kedah. there's pron and cons why am happy and sad leaving kedah. some of my friends knew and some maybe not.

see ya in the next entry maybe nak upload some picture while I've been kedahan since 2006 until 2010. so guys.. "gedix and gadis or uyun", ready with your criticism and power, awful words my dear. am ready to accept.


amalina padang said...

pika layout ni smart r..sesuai ngn ko n neat..
psl result semua org tau ko dah berusaha..mungkin bukan kali ni kot..xpe usaha lagi..nk tips xtau nk ckp..kalo psl study aku study same je cam nad eja n yg lain2..maybe teknik jawab soalan kot weyh..u should focus on that..gud luck babe..

p/s: do better in ur intersession perhaps it can increase ur pointer ;)

afiqa.z said...

yes, aku baru je tahu, ada kawan aku bagtahu. huhu. nak try la jgk mana tau ada peluang lagi kan. thanks padeng.

Anonymous said...

afiqa will never give up