Monday, August 16, 2010

kucing dan manusia


hye hye. I really wanna write this. serious.
first thing about my cat and kitten. they make me wanna back home everyday. they just like a human. they have a sense and know which people are they familiar and refuse to touching by people they doesn't know. contoh mcm Ommas. he might be run away when jiji's friends coming. serious he just a shy cat followed as their owner. haha. here I put my ommas and the 2 kitten picture which I and my adik didn't get suitable name for these two. any suggestion?

this is ommas, name given after 1 month living here. the name stated before at his birth certificate is bee jay. just like bapok name. so we decide to call him ommas. my mum call him ommas Ganteng si kunteng as a Javanese name I even don't know wht the meaning is. muka je ganas, tapi pengecut. he now 5 month. tapi cm 5 tahun. muka kau muka tuaaa.. kau tua. bweekk

okay okay this is sooo freshy. kira kalau masuk hostel kau lah yang kena buli. nama dia ketum mula2. but nadia always call him junior since his face similar to his "abang". tapi aku still panggil tomm..

and cik adik manis berbulu kuning pekat. its hard to capture her face. she's act as a girl character. polite and shy-shy chicken. I love this more because she's the one just keep quite even shower time. not like ommas and tomm. habis luka tgn kami kena cakar..tapi this little girl diam je..sampai nadia kata "rasanya dia ni bisu lah" then it wondering me is there any cat being bisu? I never heard it before. so I don't know. anyone know?

okay lastly, ni bukti first time in my life aku pegang kucing. see.. mereka comel sebenarnya. mengapa perlu ditakuti? memang dulu takut gila dengan kucing. emm no words to describe how cheer your life within cat. serious to padeng, shira and those who aren't like cat. touch them once. you may feel it. they just like us. korang dtg rumah aku, aku paksa peganggg.. hahah. zalim.

Dah habis pasal kucing, I would to express my dissatisfaction towards admin services. emm tanak la bagitahu office mana. tapi kalau dah business student to faham2 la office mana. yang mana, I've been ask about practical thing 2 times. first time I've been angry by this one who have tittle. but I do not blame him. even I am not intense to blaming anyone. it just misunderstanding. there are 2 ladies seat at the kaca bilik. kalau untuk suara yang slow mcm aku ni korang rasa boleh dengar ke apa aku nak sampai kan kalau akak cuma duduk dan angkat-angkat kening bila saya sedang bercakap akak? fine. dia pun dah sampaikan apa yang aku soalkan kepada yang lebih pakar which is this title man kan.
towards the end aku kena marah. "you pergi tanya lecturer you kat kedah la, semua lecturer you akan uruskan.." emm wht the..
takpe2 sabar. kau student. kau kena sabar. "tp saya study kat sini-"
"mcm mana awak boleh study kat sini tadi kata kat kedah-" muka confuse
"nope.. previously am at kedah, but just transferred here this sem"
"ohhhh.. bagitau la..."
emm dalam hati isgtigfar la banyak2 semoga tuhan beri kekuatan.
"Saya dah bgtau akak tadi dah..." aku defend diri.
"emm kenapa bagitahu dia. bagitau la saya-"
okay fine. memang saya salah. saya pesalah..tapi still senyumm mcm tak ada perasaan.
dah solve one problem.
soalan aku siapa yang akan supervise kita time practical because I maybe doing it abroad so it essentially for me to manage it early.
jawapan:supervisor kita akan ditentukan oleh KP ye kawan2. jgn tanya practical counter. they might eat you.

second situation which happen yesterday. I come again. muka yang sama sedang duduk. agak lemah. puasa yeee... alorh syian syian. meh nak tanya sikit je.. tak banyak..
"akak, oh akak..saya blah blah blah...."

akak tu angkat kepala- angkat kening.sedang duduk. emm faham pulak aku bahasa isyarat kau. fine...
"akak boleh dekat sikit tak, nanti tak dengar saya nak cakap apa" nada lemah lembut la.
dia bangun datang kat cermin tu..

aku pun..
"saya blah blahhh and blahhhhh."( ajukan soalan lah kan)
akak kesayangan diam sebentar..lalu berpaling kepada this man who may knowledgeable about internship program.

and lepas dapat jawapan aku puas hati. okay fine. dah ada position in mind of the service delivered here. sorry am not judging but am experience it myself. patutlah kawan2 aku kat sini selalu tanya aku pasal practical time aku kat kedah dulu. kesian dorang. baru aku sedar betapa susah dan tak membantu pun sebenarnya pun.kedah branch service is better. not comparing. its reality. mcm hari tu ada student foreigner tanya pa benda ntah. sama jugak la mcm nak tak nak jawab. kalau rasa tak nak kerja. pergi balik. hehe.
to akak: kalau akak tak mampu jawab pertanyaan saya tapi please lah as a human being, could you pleasant me as how you wanna people pleasant at you. p cari buku consumer behavior kat PTAR. ceh dulu time kat kedah panggil library ye. now PTAR.. :) I wouldn't expect more.

kita manusia boleh senyum kan. ommas tak boleh senyumm. kesian ommass..

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