Sunday, May 16, 2010

short course

first class untuk short course ni everyone kindda a little bit silent and slow during the lecture including me. might be holiday mood tu belum habis lagi. yelah memang dah set supposedly cuti sebulan kan. tapi takpelah, at least next semester the subject taken will be reduce to 5 instead of 7 subject. so its gonna be light rather than heavy sebab next sem mungkin aku akan ke shah alam, emm I wont to think of it. biarlah dulu. semak sikit sekarang ni. and one more thing is, short course is really fast lane punya stage cara pun kena ubah, tak boleh nak loy loy and buat rendang je. anything should be one time and once assignment has been given, we've to doing the research quickly as possible.
I didn't really mind about the class and no problem with it, but the matter coming up after finish the class. maybe only for the first day, I felt bored plus got nothing to do, maklumlah, cuti-cuti sem ni kan, nak cari makan pun susah. banyak kedai rajin sangat tutup. balik rumah sunyi. housemate pun tinggal 2 orang. serious sunyi.

another part is, actually I dont think I've to put and share this here, but, I just want it to be learner to you. as a human and friends, what do you expect from your friend. don't expect everyone perfect and could fulfill your desired and please don't be ever blame people yang tak sama interest dengan kita. everyone have different interest, opinion and the way we think and solve the problem pun tak sama macam yang orang fikir kan. so let them be in their way, and kita keep with mine. itu je cara nak keep the friendship ni in a good. tak payah nak gaduh-gaduh or masam muka or lagi teruk kau terus tak bercakap.

as we getting adult , please throw childish attitude because budak-budak cannot think rationally and kita yang dah dewasa ni, kena belajar fikir dulu sebelum bercakap and fikir sebelum bertindak. what you had been done is actually is still acceptable just wondering why it is suddenly. sometimes I want to ask I'd know the answer of why. tapi bila fikir2 balik biarlah because aku rasa aku faham perasaan dia and why these thing happen. biasalah tak semua orang boleh terima perangai and cara orang lain. cuma aku try adapt and pretend. susah sebenarnya nak bertindak. aku bukan jenis yang begitu. tindakan aku adalah diam.

when you start an action, people around start to asking. not asking you. but we. we've to faced the question that we ourself didn't understand apa benda yang terjadi. cuma mcm aku cakap tadi, maybe kita mempunyai perbezaan dari banyak aspek and you choose to withdrawal from the problem. its good. and I do respect you. you will satisfied, tu yang penting. dah nak habis semester ni. everything is in your hands. people just can see, they cnnot feel it. betul tak.
apa2 pun, all the best. cuma paling tak best when we're no longer can talking or maybe its hard for you to start conversation with us. IDK serious. cuma aku boleh buat2 mcm tak ada apa2 berlaku lah.

actually, I try to avoid talking about practical and internship program at abroad in the class and also in a public, sebabnya, hanya yang tau akan tau and yang tak tahu better tak sepatutnya tau. I don't want people ckp yang bukan2. just stop it. some people tend to looking us like boast. we are not. sedih pun ada jugak, it might be one of the reason. this is degree and if you'd to do further you must do on your own. bukan mcm sekolah menengah nak apply UPU and ada ramai org boleh guide. aku sendiri tak tahu benda ni akan berjalan according to plan or not, I can hope and a bit worried if the thing does not follow as a plan. so better senyap dulu and follow the progress. sebab tu bila orang tanya je, aku tak berani nak explain lebih lebih. serious takut.bukan tak excited cuma takut. and I prayed you'll get the best based on wht you've dreaming, you are highly potential and ada credibility. try lagi. we never break you fall down. sokong lagi ada. tapi tu lah, manusia kan, ada hati dan perasaan yang sometimes can be a big big and can turn to small and getting smallest because of the small issue. apa2 pun doakan yang terbaik je untuk semua.

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