Saturday, November 27, 2010


sorry, I promise it would be a short note.
it's about what I feel, what others feel.

after all those stupid thing happened in my life, I thought I can change it in order. I thought it easy to make thing back to the track.

but it's not. not that easy that what I perceive. because it involed many party in the same path. it's like watching series movie that would be end, but have conflict and corrupted in the middle. same goes to me now.

I thought everything is over. I want built something new and repair all mistake in the past. after all I found thing would never be the same.

I would not promise to be good as how I am before. I just want to be someone that you can refer to, someone that you can share everything with and be someone that would be there for you no matter what condition you are in.

that's all. I am sorry. again and again sorry. again and again mistake. am just a jerk. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?

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