Hello and salam friends,
dah nak masuk bulan-3 kat sini, apa yang aku tahu sebenarnya pasal paris ni? tak ada apa sangat pun. semua pasal sightseeing jelah. The places where tourist go most. so, since I only have not even more than 6 weeks left to be here, and since Suraya and deep datang from Netherlands, aku and Ilya as a half parisian ni, bawak la kawan-kawan kitaorang pergi jalan. nasib ada Ilya, if it would be me a tour guide, confirm korang semua kena sesat-sesat baru dapat jumpa jalan.
not to say that I know nothing about paris, it just the matter of tak berapa nak hafal lagi which metro to stop, which to take from one station to another station. seems to be me, back to Malaysia, it hard for me to remember the exact name of station and which LRT or KTM. Aku ingat KTM heading to pelabuhan klang jelah. sebab rumah aku kat situ.
hehe. sama la kalau kat sini, hari-hari aku akan lalu tempat sama, naik metro station yang sama. setiap hari aku lalui hari yang sibuk.
okay.. start imagine how my day started in the morning.
Keluar rumah, jalan kaki dalam 15 minit ke station RER (kalau kat malaysia, RER ni macam KTM la, train yang menghubungkan kawasan-kawasan luar paris) sah-sah aku tak duduk city of paris tu. mahal tak hingat. so aku duduk luar sikit dari bandar.
lepas dah naik RER tu, dalam 10 minit akan smpai ke satu station BIBILIOTEQ. back to Malaysia, BIBILIOTEQ ni macam KL central lah. semua adik beradik train ada kt situ. so korang harap sedia maklum berapa ramai manusia kat tempat ni. berlari-lari kejar train. orang sini pergi kerja memang style jalan pantas. berlari-lari macam nak masuk concert. kalau ko jalan lenggang lenggong mak inang hmm.. kalah auntie umur 60 tahun kat sini.
sebab kan most of people here wearing black jacket, sometimes kalau pagi2 tu sebab ramai sangat, aku dengan Ilya akan ter-separated all of sudden. kadang-kadang sampai office baru jumpa. sebab ramai gila orang. and one thing I observed here, orang kat sini pergi kerja naik train. dorang jarang naik kereta ni. sebab?
sebabnya, metro kat sini sangat flexible and punctual. it like one metro leaving, 3 minutes later, another metro coming. tak sempat kau nak hilangkan semput kau berlari-lari sebab nak masuk metro yang hampir lepas, metro baru dah sampai. kau masuk metro tu, kau masih tercungap-cungap. moral of the story, tak payah nak kejar-kejar metro, biar metro kejar kau.
okay sambung cerita tadi, lepas je turun BIBILIOTEQ tu, aku akan jalan sikit, ambik metro ke arah CHATELET. from BIBILIOTEQ to CHATELET ni kan, ada 4 station kena lalu. kebiasaannya aku memang jarang-jarang lah dapat duduk. kecuali kalau ada sesape yang ingatkan aku ibu-mengandung, dia bagi aku duduk. WTF. aku pakai baju berlapis, memang la nampak preggy. huhu.
okay sambung lagi, lepas turun CHATELET. yang ni aku benci tahap benci gila. kena jalan agak jauh dan tercungap-cungap tahap B-B- untuk ambik metro ke arah FRANKLE ? aku lupa ejaan dia. tapi dari CHATELET ni nak ke tempat tadi yang aku lupa ejaan dia tu kan, ada 6 station. yang ni pun, jangan harap nak dapat duduk, TER-du-duk atas orang pernah la. sebab?
sebab biasalah ko bayangkan kalau ko berdiri naik metro yang laju gila disamping orang ramai gila berhimpit macam sardin. suddenly dia break maut/mengejut. tak pasal-pasal aku terduduk atas riba orang. WTF again. malu tahap tak tahu nak letak muka kt mana, rasa macam nak tanggalkan muka, masuk dalam bag kejap. haha
lepas dah turun metro ni. HA! baru lah lega sikit. jalan 10 minit dah smpai office. fuh.. kalau sampai je office tu rasa macam
so, bila weekends jelah dapat berjalan, sebab hari bekerja memang letih. dah la pergi kerja letih, nak mengharungi balik kerja pun situation sama juga. tapi aku rasa, aku akan dan mesti rindu paris.
okay, there are some pictures would telling you more what I had in last weekends. so much fun with two of them from interns MATRADE Netherlands, interns2 yang lain bila nak datang. aku rela jadi tour guide korang. hehe
hari first.LOUVE

next destination is NOTRE DAME. What is so special about this Chruch? kalau nak tahu kena masuk. actually I been here 2 times, but just stay to taking pictures from outside. but once I get in, I can feel it.
okay, this is what I know about NOTRE DAME.

Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture in France and in Europe, and the naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture. this is what I found through WIKI. just google you'll find the answer of why,what etc.
Notre Dame de Paris was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress (arched exterior supports). The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave. After the construction began and the thinner walls (popularized in the Gothic style) grew ever higher, stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward .Source:WIKIPEDIA ;
Honestly saying that, being a muslim, its awkward for me to enter the church. but personally I've no any other intention instead of just to get in and see what is happening inside. and what fortunate I am when there's like we call upacara kematian. I get an experience to see it in real. tapi dalam hati ada terdetik jugak. and questionning myself is either wrong or not for muslim to enter church. I don't think so.

penat jalan, perut kena isi, basically, this is the only ''my'' meal regardless of what time. Is either lunch or dinner, tuna sandwich would be the choice cos that is I trusted on. yang lain ragu-ragu, so islam kata kalau ragu-ragu. jangan! so I would go for yang tak ragu-ragu.

Right after having our lunch, Suraya and deep very exciting to go to Eiffel tower. They just like me when the first day I came to Paris, ''oh I wanna see Eiffel''!!of cos, that is the one of most factor tourist looking for when they're come here.

okay, hari ke-2 will be update tomorrow insyaallah. dah mengantuk ni
Take care everyone, love and hug from pika ;
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