today is saturday. when I wake up in the morning, I look into the mirrow, yes everything is still the same. I see outside, Alhamdulillah, I can see some of flower start blooming and green grass start growing in the garden.
As what I posted my last entry, at the night after, I watch BBC News to know what is actually happening in the Japan. I just know Japan earthquake through FB which I open and updated most. Usually, since I came here, I didn't notice any news or whats going on about world. I didn't watch BERITA TV3, I didn't read newspaper, and even didn't reach radio. because? everything is in French. the only thing I can understand is picture.
when I go to work yesterday, I see as usual people read newspaper and I see some photo and Japan was written on. So I was curious what was happened? I guess there's must be bom incident or Japan was attacted by something something cos I really don't understand what is written in the newspaper.
when I on my FB in office, ohhhhhhhhhh... Japan earthquake. and there's some of my friends ask to pray for ultromen, doremon, and etc. I was laughting at the first time, therefore leave my comment to them as well. HAHA. stupid me.
on my way going back, inside the METRO. I can see a few Japanese. their face look very sad and some of them just fall a bit tears. from that, I know how worried they're towards their family member and country.
At the night, since I wanted to really know and want to know really by myself, I don't want to know from others mouth, I started to google it JAPAN EARTHQUAKE, there shown me how bad Japan has been attacked by earthquake.
MasyaAllah. terus terdiam kejap. you can google BBC NEWS to see the real situation and it was updating news for every hour.
tiba-tiba rasa bersalah sebab comment pasal doremon, and they're some of them write in M-a-r-i-a o-z-a-w-a (I don't know is either I'm writing her correct name or not) she is Japanese porn star. they ask us don't forget to pray for her. HELLO! don't you guys feel guilty to make this a joke. baby, its a serious incident happen in Japan resulted 1300 died and most of country been destroyed just for a few second, you guys still can laugh? please. stop it. please...
back to the story, for those who aren't really interested to read newspaper like me, here I shared news in regard of Japan earthquake.
Japan has lifted all tsunami alerts throughout the country, almost two days after a powerful earthquake hit Chile.
A tsunami more than one metre (3ft) high hit the country's northern Pacific coast on Sunday, although bigger waves were expected.
Other Pacific nations were hit by tsunamis but no major damage or casualties were reported.
In Chile itself, however, areas affected by both the quake and the resulting tsunami saw hundreds dead.
In the fishing village of Concepcion, 350 bodies were found and in the port of Talcahuano more than 20 boats were swept ashore and dumped in the streets by the waves.
Large waves struck Chile's Juan Fernandez island group, reaching halfway into one inhabited area and killing five people. Several more are missing.
Well prepared
Warning systems across the Pacific have improved since the 2004 Indonesia quake sparked a tsunami that killed nearly 250,000 people.
Nations and regions affected by the Pacific "Ring
of Fire" all sounded alerts, trying to estimate the anticipated time of arrival of any tsunami following the earthquake, which struck on Saturday at 0634 GMT.
The first tsunami waves to reach Japan were reported to be just 10cm (4in) high, with a wave of 90cm (35.5in) following.
People in areas at risk were ordered to move to higher ground, train services running along the coast were suspended and steel gates across fishing harbours were shut.
In 1960 about 140 people were killed by a tsunami in Japan after a major earthquake in Chile.
Thousands of people also left coastal areas of the Philippines after warnings of a possible tsunami were spread by text message.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had warned of "widespread d
amage" across the region following Saturday's quake, but later said waves were not as high as predicted.
A geophysicist at the centre, Gerard Fryer, told the BBC that the tsunami's impact was small because the earthquake occurred in shallow water.
The earthquake was "big enough to do significant damage, but not bi
g enough to do anything large in the far field", he said.
source: BBC NEWS
can you imagine if..
the waves get rise this high?
bila korang bgn tidur, your surrounding be drowned by the water. It was sorrowful to see other country been damage and about hundred people died, and the rest still missing and of cos getting homeless.

don't forget, Tsunami is heading close to Philippine and sabah and sarawak also have possibility to be attacked. so for me, nothing is impossible, as how high or most technology that country, if Allah wanted to make something, that really possible can be.
tarik nafas, dan rasa insaf. kalau korang nak rasa benda sama, rajin-rajin bukak BBC NEWS.
Okay, this is my opinion.
until this things happened, and since Tsunami had destroy the whole city, can we see how powerful Allah to change something to something else?
aku bukan ustazah, but then if benda ni dah jadi and pernah terjadi kat Malaysia 5 years ago, tak kan tak ada sedikit pun keinsafan dalam diri kita?
lets change people. I know I'm bad person not even good enough to give advices to others.
but I'm trying and still in the learning process.
cuma tak dapat bayangkan, if Malaysia hancur macam tu, if kita hilang kaum keluar semua. rumah kita mmg tak ada kena hanyut dengan air? no more home sweet home. and if betul-betul jadi. mesti kita akan lari lintang pukang its like you running to no way to go. kesian baby yang kecik2, they don't know anything and mati sebab tsunami. paling sedih if semua family kau mati. kau sorang-sorang. how to survive man? mmg la physically kau akan okay, but to live without your beloved people, it seems to be living without live. you get what I'm trying to say.
sorry I think I'm just out of topic. This incident remind me of my family. how if and how if. I can't stop thinking if Tsunami heading to my place because you know, port klang of cos its closed to sea.
Aku doakan semua nya selamat. tak kira di mana kita berada. tapi kalau dah ajal kita, aku harap Allah matikan kita dalam golongan orang beriman.
masalahnya sekarang.
korang dah ready ke kalau esok korang dah mati?
till the next & hug from pika
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