Haven't you blessed for what you have today?
How many times you say ''ALHAMDULILLAH'' in a day because of everything is complete gift by God to us?
Haven't you think hows life will go on if everything given is taken back to him?
Haven't you think what we own now is only temporary?
the story begin when I read this,

BOSTON — A Texas construction worker horribly disfigured in a power line accident has undergone the nation's first full face transplant in hopes of smiling again and f eeling kisses from his 3-year-old daughter. Mr Wiens, from Texas, was injured in November 2008 when his head touched a high voltage electrical wire.
The burns erased all of his facial features. The surgery has replaced the nose, lips, skin and muscles as well as the nerves that power them and provide sensation. But, unfortunately, the surgeons were unable to give him new eyes to restore his vision.
These story I get from BBC NEWS. I told you in my previous entry, BBC NEWS helps me in finding news and information about what going on in the world cause I didn't watch TV and don't even read newspaper.The news is about full face successful transplant did by group of professional and specialist doctor in US. A group of doctor from US had successful transplant for about 15 for Dallas, the second picture.
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But, don't you know that, without any accident, we're actually have high possibility to be like that just because of RADIATION?
sedar tak the Radiation has spreading on the air and closed by to us? and news reported that radiation will affect Europe country?
sape ada kt Europe sekarang?
France ni europe kan kan kan?
hmm, tarik nafas panjang. berdoa, semoga radiation stop from spreading not only to Europe, but to other country too. kesannya, mungkin lebih teruk untuk kita.
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But, don't you know that, without any accident, we're actually have high possibility to be like that just because of RADIATION?
sedar tak the Radiation has spreading on the air and closed
sape ada kt Europe sekarang?
France ni europe kan kan kan?
hmm, tarik nafas panjang. berdoa, semoga radiation stop from spreading not only to Europe, but to other country too. kesannya, mungkin lebih teruk untuk kita.
contoh gambar kesan daripada Radiation di Russia pada tahun 60 or 70 an if I'm not mistaken.
macam mana benda ni boleh berlaku.
jawapannya, melalui angin dan air yang dibebaskan oleh radiasi dan apabila terkena kulit, kesannya seperti picture pertama. dan juga kesan-kesan yang di luar jangkaan kita.
untuk info lanjut, GOOGLE je.
insaf kejap. Astagfirullah, Alhamdulillah aku ada semua lengkap, mata, hidung mulut. dan juga deria rasa macam orang lain.
macam mana benda ni boleh berlaku.
jawapannya, melalui angin dan air yang dibebaskan oleh radiasi dan apabila terkena kulit, kesannya seperti picture pertama. dan juga kesan-kesan yang di luar jangkaan kita.
untuk info lanjut, GOOGLE je.
insaf kejap. Astagfirullah, Alhamdulillah aku ada semua lengkap, mata, hidung mulut. dan juga deria rasa macam orang lain.
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