Salam and hello people.
Spring is coming.
since weather is not that cold as winter time, Farid has planning to do BBQ. wehee. I'm the most happier than others because this is my first time having BBQ eversince I came here. So I would be excited if I can join BBQ more often.

menu: ayam dan kambing.

kacang dan rempeyek. Jawa tu REMPEYEK.

AKU dan Farid. berlakon kejap pegang penyepit.

Handsome boy in the house. cop cop kalau aku ada anak perempuan, ni bakal menantu okeh

me in the kitchen with Mama tok dan kak aminah.

Farah and baby Farisha

me and bakal boyfriend haha.tolong-tolong kau stop scandal sekarang.

This is the house and family where I stay with and who I meet often. they're very nice and treating me like their family eventhough I am not. Terima kasih sangat-sangat. I've been through better life while staying with them. my life would be meaningful and joy within this family. oh yeah, I gained weight as well. that's all for tonight.
Love and hugs. Pika.
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