okay, this is PIKA
Salam and hye people,
Counting-counting day to be back hehe. tell you what, I tick my calendar everyday and dreaming whats going to be happen afterward. I was doing nothing in the office since last week because basically my office only will be busy when there has planning an event or any ministry planning to coming, things like that. our job is planning what is meeting content and preparing text or database about France, Spain and Portugal. Matrade paris were covered these 3 area of Europe. but when there're no event, no meeting, that's mean, no job.
today was boring. I've facebooking and blogwalking from the minutes I came and the minutes I'm back.
I hate sitting in my table without doing anything. I've much of time spending on dreaming. I had a lot of thinking since last weekend. since last time I was skyping with my mum. yea, we were talked about something serious. something so called hidup dan mati. or else sehidup semati. haha. sounds so serious huh? yea, it is.
I was about thinking everything, what's going happen after and is it okay to be or not to be and so much another things I had in my head.
okay, will talk about it later when I think that the best time to share. okay? now I want to say that I'm just proud to be Malaysian because of what was happened last weekend.
I had attended Tourism and Culture Exhibition at Porte de Versailles Paris. The exhibition was held within 4 days from 17th-20th march and had participate from all over countries and nation. The participant has to present their culture and promote the country as well. This exhibition has been organized by Ministry of Tourism in France if I am not mistaken. sorry if I'm wrong cause I am not directly involves in this Salon. I'm just coming to support our malaysian doing their job in Paris.
first thing first, this is how we call malay tradition and culture. Tourism malaysia in Paris has a good idea to promote malaysia with such a way. Tapi bila aku tahu budget buat semua benda ni. fuh! mahal kot. tapi Tourism Malaysia doing something worth.
hantaran. This is real hantaran, pulut kuning, cincin, bunga telur and etc.
Mereka sangat excited. sampai beratur kot nak ambik turn sape nak menepung tawar. I am so excited as well to see that, our culture has been attracted towards people not only in france, but all over the world
see see, I told you. malaysia ada crowd sendiri. they were waiting quiet a long time and stop by just to see the wedding. or maybe dorang ingatkan kahwin betul-betul. paling kelakar bila ada sorang auntie ni, datang exhibition ni 4 hari berturut-turut, and pada hari terakhir, Ilya telah bertukar suami sebab suami yang semalam tak dapat hadir sebab kerja. that makcik was confusing and ask us ''why different husband?'' (dalam french la). aku translate dalam english. Caron explained her, ni bukan betul2 kahwin. ini tipu je lah. jangan confuse makcik, lelaki je boleh kahwin 4. perempuan pun boleh, but not at the same time. :)
other booths
barisan orang-orang malaysia yang memukau. hehe. french love our costume tapi bukan yang aku pakai la. ni yang dorang semua pakai. terasa menyesal tak bawak baju kurung. :(
Dubai Tower
China. tembok besar
Rempah ratus from India.
Tarian Londeh=Jordan
this area where Japan booth supposed to be. hmm too sad to see this. Pray for Japan!
okay, mari membebel my point of view pasal exhibition ni. This is a good and effective way of how malaysia can be promoted at France. and what I've in my mind while be at the exhibition. I'm just realized that actually, Malaysia is the only one country that has variety of food, religion, culture, language, and etc. Apart of that, we're accept each other regardless how different we are. I mean, we can even live with different kind of religion in one county which is in MALAYSIA.
sedar tak?
sebab in europe, dorang hanya ada Chistian and little population of muslim. and surprise me, in Polland, there's no muslim at all. that's why my friend from polland doesn't have an idea why I should covered my hair, why this and that.
what is special about our county is that, we have so called sopan santun and budi bahasa. perasan tak, most of us, kalau nak speak out msti susah. mesti akan keluar ayat ''Nak jaga hati''
or something like
''ala, takut dia terasa, ter-kecik hati''
or about
''ala.. tak pe la, tak ada rezeki, biarlah''
all about hati, and rezeki,
but here, kalau kau tak puas hati. kau boleh simply sound and people will accept it or some will argue.
selain tu, what I realized, it about food, we have like variety type of food, kalau kat sini, specialities more on bread and pastry. tapi kalau kt malaysia. cuba bayangkan.
Nasi?berapa banyak nasi ada? nasi ayam, nasi tomato, nasi lemak, nasi dagang, nasi beriani, nasi goreng,
lepas tu, nasi goreng pulak ada macam macam nasi goreng. nasi goreng cina, nasi goreng kampung, nasi goreng pataya, nasi goreng thai la. aduh. tak larat nak sebut.
and when it come to our Lauk, contoh kari
kari ayam, kari ikan, kari telur, kari daging, kari-pap. hehe
lepas tu, SAMBAL. okay telan air liur teringat sambal ikan bilis dengan tempe nenek aku.
sambal sotong, sambal kerang, sambal belacan, sambal udang. hmm tolonglah sambung, aku rasa memang banyak gila sambal
okay, lepas tu masak lemak? berbagai jenis.
lepas tu kuih muih kita lagi.. beribu jenis kan? Malaysian very creative in cooking.
Apart of food, malaysia has nice places. such as beach, water fall, and good weather as well.
pantai kan?
pulau pangkor,
pulau tioman
pulau langkawi
pulau pinang
pulau ketam
pulau redang
pulau Klang. hehe. tambahan
Malaysia ada pelbagai costume yang cantik based on our own tradition.
and banyak lagi kelebihan Malaysia compared with other country instead,
lagi? hmm apa yang aku observed kat sini, they were such kind of individualism.
contoh kan, kalau lift pun. kecik gila. boleh masuk 2 orang je dalam lift tu. compare dengan Malaysia, kalau lift kt malaysia, 1 family boleh muat.
sebab orang kt sini, anak paling ramai 3 orang. and bila tanya berapa adik beradik aku.
''I have 6 siblings''
''wow, such a big family''
haha. korang tak tahu, adik beradik mak aku ada 12 orang, and each of my mom's sister and brother ada anak 12, 7 or 8 orang. mak aku anak paling sikit, 6 orang. REZEKI. so, potensi aku ada anak ramai tu agak tinggi. dalam 70% . YEAH! Suka. haha
okay berbalik topic asal, yes, orang malaysia especially melayu, anak ramai, that's normal. cuma rasa sayang juga kalau rasa tak berkemampuan, kenapa nak anak ramai. some of us tak fikir tentang nasib anak-anak ramai tapi kurang diberi pelajaran. sebab tu kat malaysia ada rancangan
bak kata cousin aku, dia kalau nk anak, dia nak quality, not quantity, but for me, doesn't matter about quantity if I can manage them well, give education and etc.
okay, macam lari tajuk, takpe-takpe, okay sebab orang kt sini tak suka anak ramai, dorang tak suka bising. so sesiapa yang buat bising akan kena sound je. contoh macam dalam train, kau bawak anak, and tiba-tiba anak kau menangis, and kau tak boleh nak stop kan anak kau dari menangis
''if you can't handle you child, don't bring them out'' (ni aku translate kan)
memang setepek kena sound dlm train. benda biasa.
sebab Farah, tuan rumah yang aku duduk sekarang, dia pindah rumah sebab tak tahan selalu kena sound dengan jiran. biasalah dia ada anak kecik 2 orang, budak-budak suka jerit2, lari-lari, menangis.
senang je jiran dia kata,
''you're their mom should be able to control them. you not responsibilities mother otherwise''
cerita lain yang aku dengar, ada jiran report polis sebab anak kepada jiran dia selalu menangis.
hello! budak-budak kot.
tapi kt sini, they aren't considerates as how us, Malaysian be considerated, macam ayah aku. jiran aku depan, belakang, tepi, semua suka karaoke tak kira waktu. tapi sebabkan tak nak tegur sebab
''nak jaga hati''
lama-lama boleh mati hati. kesian.
apa-apa pun. Malaysia best. french yang pernah pergi Malaysia, ayat semua sama.
''Malaysia has nice people'' Sumpah, 100% of them, were been in Malaysia will say that. terbukti. malaysia bukan saja ada banyak makanan, tempat best, unforgettable, we, a Malaysian. nice people okay. :)
Love and hugs:pika
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