Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
pray for me :(
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sticky post.
Hye assalamualaikum.
Semalam mood aku kurang baik. ntah la, rasa ralat. tapi takpelah. sebab aku rasa aku memang kena terima.
Next week, plan nak pergi amsterdam terpaksa di batal kan. sebab? ada minister datang, so MATRADE take part in this activity. aku dah beli tiket weh. Ilya dapat pergi sebab dia excuse, dia memang dah habis practical end of this month. So dia dapat la pergi, aku? masih di paris.
Serious, masa bos bagitahu aku kena involve, aku dah macam. HOMAIGOT. kelam dan nak jatuh jantung,sebab aku dah tanya marketing officer aku either aku involves ke tak? dia kata tak. so aku pun beli ticket ke Amsterdam next week. tapi tak jadi pergi. aku pretend happy. tarik nafas.
kan dah besar, takkan nak menangis pulak kan. but it take me quiet sometimes to heal that feeling. I'm sure, that might be something good reason behind this. itu jelah yang boleh buat hati aku tenang pun.
lepas tu kan. Semalam punya kes, aku balik rumah. tiba-tiba tak ada orang. and aku memang tak ada kunci rumah. So, tengok HP. Farah msg, dia keluar dalam pukul 7.30 balik. hmm, takpelah, lagi pun tak sejuk, aku duduk kt luar. Ilya tak balik, dia balik lambat hari tu. so di kesempatan yang ada, aku termenung sorang-sorang. mengenang kan hari-hari terakhir aku ada kt sini.
Alhamdulillah, aku di beri peluang dan rezeki untuk buat internship kat sini. dan di tanggung sepenuhnya. yet, my flight ticket is MAS, Which I don't have to transit. it direct ticket. itu salah satu yang aku rasa aku bertuah sangat. student lain yang buat internship luar, transit sampai 2-3 tempat.
bila aku teringat aku tak dapat pergi amsterdam tu, memang sedih, tapi bila aku teringat ayat ni
itu je la. sebab betul jugak, hidup ni kejap je. contohnya, macam bulan-bulan lepas, aku mengadu itu ini, aku mengadu sejuk sangat, kulit rosak, rambut rosak semua benda tak kena, sampai la sekarang, I manage to go through all those things. sampai hari ni. dan aku ada beberapa minggu sebelum balik Malaysia. macam tak percaya boleh go through semua ni. betul. semua benda jadi ada hikmah.

kawasan rumah aku. aku termenung pandang awan. time ni dah pukul 7. teringat umi selalu pesan, magrib tak elok ada kt luar rumah, time ni syaitan berkeliaran. hmm dah lama tak dengar azan. 3 bulan tak dengar azan. lepas tu aku terfikir. benda ni tiba-tiba je tau, kat Paris ada hantu tak? maksud aku, ada tak orang kena histeria ke, kena sampuk ke. and kalau dorang kena sampuk kan, macam mana? sebab kalau kat malaysia, ramai ustaz2 ataupun dukun melayu kampung. kt sini macam mana? macam tak pernah dengar pun kan?

okay, buka diary, menghayati detik-detik terakhir kat airport time semua orang hantar aku. tiba-tiba ada seseorang peminat minta bergambar. hehe. ''LET'S BE HONEST'' apakah itu? hehe
Friday, March 25, 2011
study in Europe
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Radiation? apa tu?
How many times you say ''ALHAMDULILLAH'' in a day because of everything is complete gift by God to us?
Haven't you think hows life will go on if everything given is taken back to him?
Haven't you think what we own now is only temporary?
the story begin when I read this,

Get more on BBC NEWS
But, don't you know that, without any accident, we're actually have high possibility to be like that just because of RADIATION?
sedar tak the Radiation has spreading on the air and closed
sape ada kt Europe sekarang?
France ni europe kan kan kan?
hmm, tarik nafas panjang. berdoa, semoga radiation stop from spreading not only to Europe, but to other country too. kesannya, mungkin lebih teruk untuk kita.
macam mana benda ni boleh berlaku.
jawapannya, melalui angin dan air yang dibebaskan oleh radiasi dan apabila terkena kulit, kesannya seperti picture pertama. dan juga kesan-kesan yang di luar jangkaan kita.
untuk info lanjut, GOOGLE je.
insaf kejap. Astagfirullah, Alhamdulillah aku ada semua lengkap, mata, hidung mulut. dan juga deria rasa macam orang lain.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Malaysian tourism exhibition in Paris
Salam and hye people,
Counting-counting day to be back hehe. tell you what, I tick my calendar everyday and dreaming whats going to be happen afterward. I was doing nothing in the office since last week because basically my office only will be busy when there has planning an event or any ministry planning to coming, things like that. our job is planning what is meeting content and preparing text or database about France, Spain and Portugal. Matrade paris were covered these 3 area of Europe. but when there're no event, no meeting, that's mean, no job.
today was boring. I've facebooking and blogwalking from the minutes I came and the minutes I'm back.
I hate sitting in my table without doing anything. I've much of time spending on dreaming. I had a lot of thinking since last weekend. since last time I was skyping with my mum. yea, we were talked about something serious. something so called hidup dan mati. or else sehidup semati. haha. sounds so serious huh? yea, it is.
I was about thinking everything, what's going happen after and is it okay to be or not to be and so much another things I had in my head.
okay, will talk about it later when I think that the best time to share. okay? now I want to say that I'm just proud to be Malaysian because of what was happened last weekend.
I had attended Tourism and Culture Exhibition at Porte de Versailles Paris. The exhibition was held within 4 days from 17th-20th march and had participate from all over countries and nation. The participant has to present their culture and promote the country as well. This exhibition has been organized by Ministry of Tourism in France if I am not mistaken. sorry if I'm wrong cause I am not directly involves in this Salon. I'm just coming to support our malaysian doing their job in Paris.
first thing first, this is how we call malay tradition and culture. Tourism malaysia in Paris has a good idea to promote malaysia with such a way. Tapi bila aku tahu budget buat semua benda ni. fuh! mahal kot. tapi Tourism Malaysia doing something worth.
other booths
Dubai Tower
China. tembok besar
Rempah ratus from India.
Friday, March 18, 2011
grammar oh cik grammar

Salam and hye people,
picture di atas tak ada kena mengena dengan entry ni. cuma nama yang bakal di sebut tu adalah orang di atas. at least you've an idea, who is S-i-m-o-n and who is a-f-i-q-a
okay tajuk utama hari ni ialah,
haven't you feel embarrassing or low confident of yourself because of english problem?
pronunciation terbelit-belit
Grammar berterabur hampeh..
yes, so am I.
sebenarnya, for those who're good in their english and reading this blog, definitely will say
'teruk nya grammar minah ni'
serious, but I couldn't care less, I just wrote what I think is right. and to be honest, I have grammar book beside me while I had written something in my blog. I don't know other people intention if they were writing in english, for me, when it comes to some so call JIWANG sentence such
''I love you so much and thanks course love me for who I am''
is better instead of
''saya sayang awak dan terima kasih kerana menyayangi diri saya seadanya diri saya ini''
tolong, nak ketawa.
that's make me change my writing language. apart of that, for me, this is the only way I can release what I feel regardless of how many grammar mistake I had been made.
but, truthful saying, I have broken grammar as much as u read my previous entry. but, that's how I write in exam. HAHA. tapi in marketing course, yang penting term bukan nya ayat sangat. aku rasa lah. ini aku rasa tau.
I say and write based on what I think that sounds good and correct. HAHA.
but it even worst when my advisor says this through her email due to my thesis proposal
''I prefer to talk to you/see you.....bila you balik from Paris?Dahlah tu grammatical errors ada
juga....tak kuasa I nak betulkan (you find someone good to proofread your
time aku baca ni. I was like laughing to myself because of untill this stage, my writing was terribly suck. MACAM MANA?
and there's some of story I think its good to be shared. pasal grammar lah.
kan masa nak send email pada companies abroad masa nak apply internship ni, aku kena email dorang. so basically I'll attach my friend's name together with me. Faezah. and I say this in my email
''me and my friend are interesting.... blah blah..''
The correct is, ''my friend and I...''
ini second time nak hantar email kat MPOC Egypt untuk buat internship cos, as a students who are planning to do practical abroad, we should have full effort and everything has to be plans by ourselves. kena independent lah
cita nya macam ni, aku write panjang lebar, sebab nak conclude kan 1 email untuk menceritakan semuanya instead of write and explain one by one for the next email. lagipun aku nak hantar ke company sama cuma branch dia kt Egypt je. so tak payah nak ulas lebih2 tentang kitaorang. sebab dah tak ada masa time tu. sebab aku dengan eja kan dah tak boleh buat interns kat states. so kitaorang ada masa within one month untuk prepare company lain. time tu gelabah hanjing dan harapan tu mcm 20% je la. lagi 80% dah hancur berderai.
so before aku send email tu, I asked my friend who is good in english and after read the email, he laughs like was reading doremon comic or comedy story :(
HAHA. it goes to
''I am appreciate...'' instead of ''I appreciate''
''to going..'' instead of '' to go''
benda-benda ni akan aku ingat sampai mati. millions thank to correct me and I still remember that you said, lepas ''to'' kena ayat asal macam go, eat, tak boleh ubah. okay okay. thank you :)
but it even hard when I don't read english newspaper, don't even speak english often with my family cos I've been grown in JAWA family, so I had JAWA as my third language instead of Arabic which I learn most during my primary and secondary school but still I get bad result on that subject. for me, in order for you to improve and other language is about practicing. otherwise, it would not effective. if my mom can speak arabic and speaking arabic to me, sure I can translate some of words in our Holly book Al-Quran isn't ?
okay back to who has Grammar problem. yesterday, when Ilya was not in the office cos she attend Tourism event, I've to send questionnaire that I had done to my Advisor. you know, as you need to write to advisor, you need to be proper and well sentence written on. I on FB and see who my friend can help me out. first is kak yong, I seek her help to double check my questionnaire content if either it has grammar mistake, do correct me.
she send me back my questionnaire right after made some correction. after that she's off line. alamak kak yong tunggu jap, aku banyak nak tanya ni. hehe
and before send the email, basically, you need to write like
''salam miss..
here I attached you the questionnaire that I've edit.. alamak stuck grammar-grammar''
lepas tu fikir, is either ''had edited'' or ''have edited'' or ''had editing''
its like when you're MC of some event, you'll says
mana satu betul?
that such things
susah ke grammar ni sebenarnya sebab kalau aku tanya kawan-kawan aku yang good in english pun dorang akan cakap, eh I grammar kurang jugak, I cakap ikut apa I rasa sedap.
emm kalau macam tu, orang ikut sedap kan, aku ikut pelbagai rasa, sedap and tak sedap aku campur. haha
okay, berbalik pada cerita asal, lepas buntu ayat nak send email tu kan. tiba-tiba aku tengok mamat sorang ni online, aku pun..
me: simon, help me. I've to send email to my lecturer, but then she always and keep complains about my english grammar,can you correct me? is either
''had been edited''
''had been editing''
Simon :hey. yes i will try my best and ask my colleagues here if u want
whats the context?
i need the whole sentence
me :Here I attached you questionnaire that had been edited?
is it correct?
simon: no
me: correct me please
simon: one second , I need to ask my friend cause my grammar is not that good as well. haha
enclosed you will find the edited questionnaire
thats what i suggest
Me : I wanted to say that I send her questionnaire that already edit..
Simon: yes same meaning
did u edit it?
Me : yes I did
Simon: u could also they
Please find enclosed the edited questionnaire its same i asked an american who works with me he says its correct
Me: okay thanks, my lecturer was graduated from states as well,
Simon: de rien madame
Me: merci bo coup
Simon:ah he shouldnt be to strict it just an email
me: yes she is and pity me because of poor grammar I don't knw how to improve
Simon:read english newspapers it helps a lot and of course writing with people from Germany helps even more!
Me: of cos that germany guy improve my english as well
Simon: ya u will be fluent afterwards
simon: np DUDE!
Me: then whats dude for?
Simon: no its correct np means no problem
Me: ohh I tought it was NOPE heheh
So moral value nya. jangan lah takut nak bercakap or nak tulis apa2 in english sebab kita memang asal melayu. bahasa melayu. so it was good enough if you can
understand english even though you're not good enough in writing or fluent in speaking. I'm glad that UiTM had treated me well in english wise since everything I learns was in english. Apart from that, I can speak english during presentation, I think that was awesome for me yang mana my parent don't practicing english, I do not even speak english mcm orang lain. kira okay lah kan. tak ada lah teror gila. taoi boleh la nak communicate kat sini, kalau cakap english dorang faham jugak, sebab french people can speak english as well. and tak kan tiba-tiba nak keluar.
nanti tak pasal-pasal aku kena..
okay, kabare tu bahasa jawa, maksudnya, apa khabar.
and as I had short conversation with simon and my experience when I was with some european in my hostel before. They were fluent in speaking but not in proper writing. serious. sama macam kita orang melayu, somehow we're good enough in our language course that's how we been grown with. contoh macam
''ko nak gi mana'' ni bahasa pasar la
yang betul
''kemanakah kamu hendak pergi?''
it same goes to grammar.
I think so. So probably now, I'm still learning and searching a good sources for me to improve my grammar wise. penting sangat okay sebab lepas ni, ramai lagi akan ketawa
kan kau. so sampai bila kau nak di bahan. Haha. yang penting, betul la apa simon cakap, baca english newspaper it will benefit you alots. newspaper mesti guna bahasa and ayat yang betul. see, simon pun not good in grammar, sama je macam kita. jadi,
Sama-samalah kita belajar dan banyak kan membaca DEMI kebaikan bersama.
agak-agak cikgu bahasa melayu aku tergelak tak baca statement ter-akhir tu?
tapi aku rasa bagus jugak start nak betul kan grammar and as far as her concern about grammar, I'' aware about what I wrote to her. Thanks miss. love you.
Love & hugs from PIKA.