okay, panjang gila kau nak cerita pasal macaroon. kecoh je. sebenarnya entry nak cerita mcm mana aku jumpa dengan orang asian yang study kat paris ni. hoho. seronok je jumpa dorang. bila diaorang introduced je..
''I'm from Thailand''
aku pun.. " SAWADI-KAP-KAP''
semua gelakk kan aku. cehh acah-acah la konon. padahal itu je yang aku tahu pun.
Indeed, it was a great meeting people from 4 different Asian country. as usual, picture will explain you more. let check it out. apa aku nak membebel pulak kan.
okay, dua orang ni confirm-confirm from malaysia. muka aku sah-sah muka jawa. tolong ajar aku mcm mana nak senyum and at the same time buka mata.
Actually, we're gathering due to 14th feb of Valentine's celebration. is not too celebrate like having kissing in front of people or apa-apa ke. yet, for me, we just having a dinner and it was 14th feb. so we call it valentine's day dinner. hehe. sorrry. aku memang tak celebrate. kang ada yang hantar black mail pulak. ''pika kau ni dah sampai paris lupa diri ke apa ke. blah blah blah whatsoever'' hahahhah manusia ni depan baik. belakang bukan main longkang. hehe.
This is how tuileries night. I'm not sure the building name, but we're walking around Tuileries area. all building in Paris has same structure design. it look old but strong and very attractive.
walking-walking. there's no couple kissing during that day. till one of my Korean friend said to me '' I was wondering, where is them who always kissing in front of public. today is valentine. today I realize that there's no people kissing like everyday''
and kau tahu aku jawab apa.
''as today is special day for them, they doing business in private place aren't them?''
hhahaha. typical filem romantic comedy-18 XS punya peminat. aku lah!
ni lah geng Sawa-di-kap. sorry I can't remember you guy's name. and I'm sure you guys don't remember my name either. haha.
dinner. mcm biasa. aku akan order yang fish based. so this is salmon with rice and cream cheese. emm. sedap or tak. telan jelah. very western. kalau nak try, ambik nasi or pulut, gaulkan dengan cream or cheese. ni lah rasa dia. rich okay. aku tak habis pun.
dan makanan diet aku. cake chocolate. dalam dia ada chocolate cair yang panas and sedap gila. yang ni pun aku tak habis. aku try habiskan. tapi mmg tak lepas. so kesian dia. dah la EUR12. cepat darab 4 berapa aku makan untuk dinner??
so far, best keluar dengan dorang. orang asia ni have more idea where and how malaysia is and some of them had visit Malaysia before. it differ when you compare with European. bila sebut malaysia, certain of them ingatkan malaysia kat argentina la. kau tgk muka aku sekarang???
ada macam argentina ke. lawak gila. aku dengan ilya boleh gelak lah. bila dorang dah google, terus keluar picture KLCC. hehe. bangga sikit.
diaorang ni semua actually friends of AURORA. hongkong girl and dorang ni exchange student. aku rasa, Uitm or even university kat malaysia should develop the program of exchange student lah. baru best. boleh berkenal-kenalan dengan orang luar. diaorang ni setiap sem pergi country lain.
kalau orang klang cakap kan..
so setakat ni je lah aku membebel. perut aku pun tahap gila nak pecah. sebab melantak banyak time buka puasa tadi. oh ye, lupa nak share. sementara aku kt sini, aku akan gagahkan diri ganti puasa, sebab sini magrib awal. 6.20ptg dah magrib. so mcm balik kerja tu. terus pergi dapur. asikkk.
okay, till the next post. aku rasa banyak benda nak tulis, tapi takpelah. esok lusa tulat julat banyak lagi.
hug and kissess from PIKA
piqa zainuddin, ktowg buka puasa pukul 5 k..xpyah nk berlagak sgt hahahah...
ok wut mcm argentina tp org kt sini ckp kitowg cm cina. wut the H...
agak2 kalu aq cite kt kks cnfm mati ketwa xleh henti..did i look chinese??little bit but oklah as long as asian look..
ok dun forget my fridge magnet k satu t shirt paris..
yeahhhh exchange
ok nad, t-shirt I don't really can promise. hehe. I buy you something else okay :)
meriahnya hidop.... ~
i suke tengok pic2 kat sini..
so i follow u .. :)
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