today is sunday and now I'm writing at 21.30pm while waiting 22.00pm because I set up my time, regardless of anything, I should sleep at 22.00pm. acah-acah berdisplin KONON!
actually, I'm not in mood of writing now but I have to share this cheeriest moment wht I had been through today. first and last. bangun pagi, I went to market with mak tok a.k.a mak farah,mak kepada tuan rumah yang aku duduk ni. I enjoyed my day cause I'm the typical makcik-makcik yang kalau pergi pasar macam excited gila. yahhh that's me. I don't care what people wanna say about me. but I love going to market. buy cheap stuff. hehe.
just tell you guys the truth la kan. there's bundle at market near by my house. bundle is like second hand stuff which is the place I like to visit and go the most. most probably because of the price is cheap and there is the only one you can find. no exact clothes or jacket would be the same like yours after you buy clothes in bundle shop. I love bundle stuff like hell. my day is like hooooohoo, nmpak nya everyweekend la I go to market because of this second hand stuff. tapi I was about thinking how I am gonna bring all those thing that I bought here to bring back to malaysia.
luggage limit is extend to 25kg. and hand luggage is 9kg. I don't think my stuff in less than 25kg. I can see my new stuff is getting more and more everyday. just can't stop shopping and the thing I shop is basically not all mine. I bought stuff for my family and friends which I don't mind spend more for them, seriously. cos I love them more than myself. KONON!
therefore, don't be surprise if I've to pay the tax for overloaded luggage. hahah.
here, I shared sort of reason my sunday blues. :)

budak-budak je pun. tapi setiap kali skype, mesti tanya, dah beli barang untuk kitaorang belum. dah beli belum? dah beli belum? dah beli belum?
wehh, sedih ke? rindu ke? betul ke?
wehh, sedih ke? rindu ke? betul ke?

ingatlah, cinta dunia ni sementara. ceh. actually tak sabar nak jumpa kawan2 nak chit chat dengan lebih mendalam. tunggu aku balik 30 april ni. RINDU OKAY!
till the next post. BTW, thanks to all friends yang sudi skype dengan aku. aku rindu semua.
love and big big hugs from PIKA.
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