hahaha. writing mood. since no homework to do so its time to continue writing after been silent for a week I guess. actually nothing interested to update but for me this is the way am going to look at when am get older. my children gonna see what their mum doing and end up with laughing and lesson, maybe. some maybe can take as a lesson,but some just about silly thing I've been writing especially when the first time you have blog. its like no direction story you wrote but still.. want to write as others did.
2 month here seem like 2 day. quick and running like you just can walk straight cannot turning back because I feel like limited time to do this and that. weekend is like a minutes. no more rest and have a long sleep. my schedule on weekend is about sending my adik tuition. yes. three of them. pergi dan pulang I jemput. but its fun because you can see how they grow, I love to listen what they learn at school, about their friends, but since times fast go fly, I just still can remember how first day I send nadia go to school during her standard one. now she standard 4. hmm anak dara dah.
before this am at kedah. 4 years, I feel satisfied am here, can see everyone, you experience real life as student. pagi2 berebut naik bas. after class you've to berebut jugak. everything have been plan for me before. I believe on that. I just walking on the flow. I get degree at kedah, and have something much valuable that might be tell you guys later. it just ambition. I never thought that I can achieve like this high. not gonna to say am success, but as opportunity coming, it solely make me confident and excitement to go further and better. although I knew its hard when you come in a group. some in may be less commitment. I believe ALLAH know our effort and willing get as what we reserve for.
future? just around the corner, its heavy practically when I saw this. oh korang. yelah window shopping and survey. price comparing. tak salah kan make early preparation. good job :)
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cantik blog..
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