why am writing this late night? I wake up suddenly after receiving call from faezah. hehe. should call her faezah because I got two bestfriend name eja. I better mention faezah here so that people wouldn't get confuse.
why she call me?
she told me that she just called A-P-O-C. since timing different from Malaysia to US, she make phone call at late night. at US now is around 11.00 a.m. Agaknya la. aku pun tak tahu sgt. seriously at first her voice like crying but she actually excited when saying A-P-O-C just reply our email and send it to sir ruzaimy. perhaps kedah start cuti on friday, sir maybe not check his email. and she added, A-P-O-C people so friendly and respond to her nicely. but she just nervous during conversation with sir An-to-ny, person who incharge in training department. frankly speaking am like. ohhh terharunya you did it not only for you, but it actually for me also kan. so you better ask me to do other thing. I mean give me direction to complete thing regarding our internship otherwise just kill me because I though am so passive in handling this matter. you're super intelligent till I can believe you call A-P-O-C Company by yourself and you make them surprise when you said you're from Malaysia. kalau I pun I terkejut. and it cost you rm2 je untuk call ke US? Emm tak ada masalah la kita nak call ke Malaysia nanti. ceh berangan.
Faezah Samsudin. thanks. you make me back on my track after falling down when we've been suspended during last interview before. I hope for the second time, no more problem. kesian you kena ulang alik. flight ticket price absolutely cost you alot because it double compare dengan bus. then you kena belanja adik-adik I lagi. kena buli dengan dorang pulak. aduh syiannnn you.
jumpa nanti when you coming for d next interview :)

me and faezah LAST YEAR. muka afiqa... bulan puasa tak baik annoying-annoying. uyun dan kumpulan uyun sila jauhi kalau tak berminat nak baca. amaran suam. (susah kalau kau tahu aku ada stranger. tapi kau masih baik hati biarkan mereka baca juga. biarlah mereka. tambah pahala aku sikit) sorry picture curi dari album you eja.
Ladies, Congrats! enjoy ur intership in states..
puan..saya sgt risau. thought it too hard to mission accomplishment. :(
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