as some friends know, am looking kitten for my bf. Eversince I have cat, he also wanna cat. as a girlfriend, probably you might looking wht your bf desired as well as you can. but previously, I didn't know that price of cat is expensive its like you can pay for roadtax and car insurance and deposit motorcycle you know. so costly. now I knew, it was. untill I saw there are the cheapest cat is rm50. kucing yang macam meow meow kat restaurant time korang tgh makan tu kan.. better lepas ni if you meet this kind of cat, take it and pose at mudah. com. hahhaahah letak la berapa harga kau suka. apalah manusia ni, aku pun kau nak jual (kata si kucing)
am searching cat with black n white colour and as a experience of cat owner, alya was help to search at haha. it was funny when I realize that cat actually having different faces and type as human also. I never know it or even don't want to know about it before. eversince I have ommas and two cute kitten, I highly concern on what type of good food for cat?. is it okay we get them shower every week or else, how to clean your cat TAIK. itu semua aku dah buat OKAY.
okay back to the purpose am writing here, to spread the information, not so info lah, it was highlight news. who have extra cute little kitten could you guys donate to us. haha. I mean free. :) we promise to look after them as loving as who the owner (pulah) kihkih
I just pity of pulah because he feel lonely when at home and need something that he at least can play and share with. I mean benda bergerak dan bernyawa. by having a cat, for me, its a good process to start be responsible in a way to provide food, clean cat's we-we and better handling cat places. ceceh lepas ni papa cat la pulah. haha
tapi kan kan..don't surprise me for given this cat

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