actually sebab aku tak balik cuti merdeka sehari ni sebab nak study lah katanya kan. bangun tidur semangat berkobar gila buku dah terletak atas meja. tapi apakan daya kuasa laptop aku menarik bagaikan magnet yang kuat. sejak semalam aku terbuka satu blog wanita berjaya ni. yelah call her successwoman lah since she manage to get income 40k monthly. ko rasa berjaya tak?
eversince I read her blog. sampai di kala ni aku tak boleh stop. tangan still pegang pen. ada buku juga terbuka. tapi mata dan minda aku terus nak click older post beliau.
bila tengok orang berjaya di usia muda ni, siapa tak mahu. aku bukannya nak hidup dalam kaya raya. cuma bila nak beli apa-apa tu tak ada lah terbantut and berfikir 10 kali. dan tahun akan datangnya baru kau dapat merasa beli. hehe. aku tak lah seteruk macam tu. income yang diberi oleh umi ayah still cukup lagi. I mean cukup-cukup lah untuk dating, and spending makan minum minyak kereta, bill broadband and celcom. kira lumayan lah.
tapi semenjak ayah sakit, ada sedikit perubahan lah. bukan sedikit lah. agak banyak jugak. yes, aku masih ditahap bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada. cuma kalau sebelum-sebelum ni kau mmg dapat lebih, tiba-tiba kau dapat kurang, mesti kau ada sedikit terasa kan.
aku faham, ramai lagi diluar sana and some of my friend teruk poket dorang. aku masih okay lagi. aku bukan nak mengeluh. cuma aku tak sabar nak build my own career, get my own money, pay my own car and have my own properties with my own effort to get all that thing.
mungkin bukan masanya lagi. tahun depan maybe. tapi kau bayangkan bila dah susah, kau terpaksa dengar masalah yang parent kau hadapi. sana sini terpaksa dijual sebab nak menampung itu dan ini. perbelanjaan semakin bertambah sebab ayah dah sakit dan tak bekerja. aku tension.
bila balik, aku akan dengar benda yang sama. aku faham ia sekadar luahan hati. tapi aku tak sabar nak kerja dan bantu mereka. banyak kali dah aku ulang benda ni.. aku tak sabar dah nak keluar dari zone cukup makan ni.
kalau nak order makan kat kedai, aku tak akan tengok menu dulu. aku tengok harga dulu. sebab aku pasal makan ni tak kisah sgt. asal aku kenyang. so akan ku pilih yang murah sebab duit dalam wallet cukup lah nak bayar minyak, tol,, tengok movie and mcm macam lagi aktiviti yang membazirkan.
kalau tgh drive tiba-tiba signal minyak kereta menyala-nyala. dalam fikiran alahai menyala plak kau. baru ingat nak saving tak nak isi minyak. kau ingat pakai NGV ke, kadang-kadang terpaksa budget untuk benda lain sebab nak isi minyak. nasib kereta aku tak kuat minyak. tapi kalau dah jalan merata tu kuat jugak la telan minyak.
kalau tengah belek-belek baju yang cantik-cantik kat sungai wang tu, mesti tgk tag harga first. alahai mahal pulak. bukan mahal mana pun. rm49 je. tapi sebab financial condition yang kurang membenarkan, so letak jelah balik baju tu. dengan harapan akan ada sale nanti. tapi bila dah sale, baju tu dah tak ada pulak. kau bukan shopping kat butik gucci ke apa, sungai wang je pun. tapi still kena fikir kan duit.
kalau kau nak tengok movie, mesti mengelak dari tengok kat paviliaon. sebab mahal. mahal bukan sampai berganda mana pun, cuma kadang-kadang sampai rm12 je. harga tempat lain rm7. tapi still consider mahal.
kalau nak keluar pergi mana-mana kan, mesti plan perjalanan and jalan mana nak lalu. mesti pilih jalan yang tak ada tol. tol bukan mahal pun. rm1 je pun. tapi masih fikir. kalau aku lalu tol, mesti aku kena pecahkan RM 10 aku ni. ish tak boleh tak boleh.
kalau nak dating sekarang. masing-masing akan bawak transport masing-masing. meet somewhere and I'll park my car, naik motor pulah. saving. (ish tiba2 cam dejavu je aku tgh taip benda2 ni semua)
memang la aku ada saving yang boleh dikatakan banyak. itu semua hasil duit dulu-dulu time family masih senang. tapi makin hari duit makin kurang. hati pun semakin risau. apa lagi harta yang aku ada kalau bukan saving tu?
hidup kat shah alam dengan merbok berbeza.
serious tak sabar nak bekerja keras. nak selesa. nak sambung master. hmm kena buat wishlist ni.
Apalah kehidupan tanpa cabaran. semua ni sementara till oneday you'll miss this moment. sabar
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
mood okay.
Hari-hari nak bercakap benda yang sama. progress of internship. I went to M-P-O-C to meet En.Wira pertaining visa matter. and his manager served me as en. wira not in. am glad I meet friendly people would manage the document needed. Now I know why is it so difficult to apply visa to stated. tak payah cerita la. nanti jadi issue pulak.
put at this way, if we fail to get the visa, there might be any optional country that we may attach as palm oil council offices is worldwide. that's all. until the last stage semua cara pun tak jadi. MPOC is the places where my internship will be ongoing.
minggu ni agak busy dengan test and presentation.
I currently selling chocolate cookies and necklace. so don't be hesitate to visit my room at melati 3A-o3-33. hehe. while stock last. :)
Hari-hari nak bercakap benda yang sama. progress of internship. I went to M-P-O-C to meet En.Wira pertaining visa matter. and his manager served me as en. wira not in. am glad I meet friendly people would manage the document needed. Now I know why is it so difficult to apply visa to stated. tak payah cerita la. nanti jadi issue pulak.
put at this way, if we fail to get the visa, there might be any optional country that we may attach as palm oil council offices is worldwide. that's all. until the last stage semua cara pun tak jadi. MPOC is the places where my internship will be ongoing.
minggu ni agak busy dengan test and presentation.
I currently selling chocolate cookies and necklace. so don't be hesitate to visit my room at melati 3A-o3-33. hehe. while stock last. :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
internship lagiiii
today is sunday. sunday is the day usually people get a rest and relaks in far from work tension and schedule of classes. but as I have a big thing that not settle yet. I can't enjoy my holiday. my mind keep thought of V-I-S-A. I just worried if thing not happen as an ordering planning. you know how am hope for this program? mestilah berharap sebab kita usaha.
its likes journal writing of internship which others may not doing so. for me, as either am success or fail in what we have been planned, I may reread again and see how struggle me, eja and some of lecturer in order to make sure our wish comes true.
This Thursday may be interview at M-P-O-C since executive director of A-P-O-C recommend us to seek an advice or particular needed over there. it easier because M-P-O-C is located locally which at Kelana Jaya and have direct connected to A-P-O-C.
Serious I've much nervous and worried due to this matter.
it not hard, we call it a little complicated because we dealing with somebody well position in that company.
what can I say. test, Raya holiday and final exam are just close to us. thought gonna complicated for Faezah to arrived here. and if we fail once again...hmmmm. serious am heartless. should find a local company for internship.
today is sunday. sunday is the day usually people get a rest and relaks in far from work tension and schedule of classes. but as I have a big thing that not settle yet. I can't enjoy my holiday. my mind keep thought of V-I-S-A. I just worried if thing not happen as an ordering planning. you know how am hope for this program? mestilah berharap sebab kita usaha.
its likes journal writing of internship which others may not doing so. for me, as either am success or fail in what we have been planned, I may reread again and see how struggle me, eja and some of lecturer in order to make sure our wish comes true.
This Thursday may be interview at M-P-O-C since executive director of A-P-O-C recommend us to seek an advice or particular needed over there. it easier because M-P-O-C is located locally which at Kelana Jaya and have direct connected to A-P-O-C.
Serious I've much nervous and worried due to this matter.
it not hard, we call it a little complicated because we dealing with somebody well position in that company.
what can I say. test, Raya holiday and final exam are just close to us. thought gonna complicated for Faezah to arrived here. and if we fail once again...hmmmm. serious am heartless. should find a local company for internship.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hye. am writing at 2.00 a.m
why am writing this late night? I wake up suddenly after receiving call from faezah. hehe. should call her faezah because I got two bestfriend name eja. I better mention faezah here so that people wouldn't get confuse.
why she call me?
she told me that she just called A-P-O-C. since timing different from Malaysia to US, she make phone call at late night. at US now is around 11.00 a.m. Agaknya la. aku pun tak tahu sgt. seriously at first her voice like crying but she actually excited when saying A-P-O-C just reply our email and send it to sir ruzaimy. perhaps kedah start cuti on friday, sir maybe not check his email. and she added, A-P-O-C people so friendly and respond to her nicely. but she just nervous during conversation with sir An-to-ny, person who incharge in training department. frankly speaking am like. ohhh terharunya you did it not only for you, but it actually for me also kan. so you better ask me to do other thing. I mean give me direction to complete thing regarding our internship otherwise just kill me because I though am so passive in handling this matter. you're super intelligent till I can believe you call A-P-O-C Company by yourself and you make them surprise when you said you're from Malaysia. kalau I pun I terkejut. and it cost you rm2 je untuk call ke US? Emm tak ada masalah la kita nak call ke Malaysia nanti. ceh berangan.
Faezah Samsudin. thanks. you make me back on my track after falling down when we've been suspended during last interview before. I hope for the second time, no more problem. kesian you kena ulang alik. flight ticket price absolutely cost you alot because it double compare dengan bus. then you kena belanja adik-adik I lagi. kena buli dengan dorang pulak. aduh syiannnn you.
jumpa nanti when you coming for d next interview :)

me and faezah LAST YEAR. muka afiqa... bulan puasa tak baik annoying-annoying. uyun dan kumpulan uyun sila jauhi kalau tak berminat nak baca. amaran suam. (susah kalau kau tahu aku ada stranger. tapi kau masih baik hati biarkan mereka baca juga. biarlah mereka. tambah pahala aku sikit) sorry picture curi dari album you eja.
why am writing this late night? I wake up suddenly after receiving call from faezah. hehe. should call her faezah because I got two bestfriend name eja. I better mention faezah here so that people wouldn't get confuse.
why she call me?
she told me that she just called A-P-O-C. since timing different from Malaysia to US, she make phone call at late night. at US now is around 11.00 a.m. Agaknya la. aku pun tak tahu sgt. seriously at first her voice like crying but she actually excited when saying A-P-O-C just reply our email and send it to sir ruzaimy. perhaps kedah start cuti on friday, sir maybe not check his email. and she added, A-P-O-C people so friendly and respond to her nicely. but she just nervous during conversation with sir An-to-ny, person who incharge in training department. frankly speaking am like. ohhh terharunya you did it not only for you, but it actually for me also kan. so you better ask me to do other thing. I mean give me direction to complete thing regarding our internship otherwise just kill me because I though am so passive in handling this matter. you're super intelligent till I can believe you call A-P-O-C Company by yourself and you make them surprise when you said you're from Malaysia. kalau I pun I terkejut. and it cost you rm2 je untuk call ke US? Emm tak ada masalah la kita nak call ke Malaysia nanti. ceh berangan.
Faezah Samsudin. thanks. you make me back on my track after falling down when we've been suspended during last interview before. I hope for the second time, no more problem. kesian you kena ulang alik. flight ticket price absolutely cost you alot because it double compare dengan bus. then you kena belanja adik-adik I lagi. kena buli dengan dorang pulak. aduh syiannnn you.
jumpa nanti when you coming for d next interview :)

me and faezah LAST YEAR. muka afiqa... bulan puasa tak baik annoying-annoying. uyun dan kumpulan uyun sila jauhi kalau tak berminat nak baca. amaran suam. (susah kalau kau tahu aku ada stranger. tapi kau masih baik hati biarkan mereka baca juga. biarlah mereka. tambah pahala aku sikit) sorry picture curi dari album you eja.
Monday, August 23, 2010
cat oh cat. tajuk utama
hye guys.
as some friends know, am looking kitten for my bf. Eversince I have cat, he also wanna cat. as a girlfriend, probably you might looking wht your bf desired as well as you can. but previously, I didn't know that price of cat is expensive its like you can pay for roadtax and car insurance and deposit motorcycle you know. so costly. now I knew, it was. untill I saw there are the cheapest cat is rm50. kucing yang macam meow meow kat restaurant time korang tgh makan tu kan.. better lepas ni if you meet this kind of cat, take it and pose at mudah. com. hahhaahah letak la berapa harga kau suka. apalah manusia ni, aku pun kau nak jual (kata si kucing)
am searching cat with black n white colour and as a experience of cat owner, alya was help to search at haha. it was funny when I realize that cat actually having different faces and type as human also. I never know it or even don't want to know about it before. eversince I have ommas and two cute kitten, I highly concern on what type of good food for cat?. is it okay we get them shower every week or else, how to clean your cat TAIK. itu semua aku dah buat OKAY.
okay back to the purpose am writing here, to spread the information, not so info lah, it was highlight news. who have extra cute little kitten could you guys donate to us. haha. I mean free. :) we promise to look after them as loving as who the owner (pulah) kihkih
I just pity of pulah because he feel lonely when at home and need something that he at least can play and share with. I mean benda bergerak dan bernyawa. by having a cat, for me, its a good process to start be responsible in a way to provide food, clean cat's we-we and better handling cat places. ceceh lepas ni papa cat la pulah. haha
This is Horrible but still can apply as to work out purpose. 10 hari angkat ni confirm muscle naik.
as some friends know, am looking kitten for my bf. Eversince I have cat, he also wanna cat. as a girlfriend, probably you might looking wht your bf desired as well as you can. but previously, I didn't know that price of cat is expensive its like you can pay for roadtax and car insurance and deposit motorcycle you know. so costly. now I knew, it was. untill I saw there are the cheapest cat is rm50. kucing yang macam meow meow kat restaurant time korang tgh makan tu kan.. better lepas ni if you meet this kind of cat, take it and pose at mudah. com. hahhaahah letak la berapa harga kau suka. apalah manusia ni, aku pun kau nak jual (kata si kucing)
am searching cat with black n white colour and as a experience of cat owner, alya was help to search at haha. it was funny when I realize that cat actually having different faces and type as human also. I never know it or even don't want to know about it before. eversince I have ommas and two cute kitten, I highly concern on what type of good food for cat?. is it okay we get them shower every week or else, how to clean your cat TAIK. itu semua aku dah buat OKAY.
okay back to the purpose am writing here, to spread the information, not so info lah, it was highlight news. who have extra cute little kitten could you guys donate to us. haha. I mean free. :) we promise to look after them as loving as who the owner (pulah) kihkih
I just pity of pulah because he feel lonely when at home and need something that he at least can play and share with. I mean benda bergerak dan bernyawa. by having a cat, for me, its a good process to start be responsible in a way to provide food, clean cat's we-we and better handling cat places. ceceh lepas ni papa cat la pulah. haha
tapi kan kan..don't surprise me for given this cat

Assalamualaikum. hari ni puasa macam mana? aku okay jelah. cuma kadang-kadang bila teringat zaman kanak-kanak actually lagi seronok and terasa nikmat berpuasa walaupun time tu tak ada cuti khas.
yelah, time kecik-kecik la kita akan rambang mata bila pergi bazar. semua benda nak beli. tapi at last tak makan pun
time kecik-kecik la kita akan minum air banyak2 sampai kembung perut. lepas berbuka nak jalan pun susah. bila dah besar dah pandai manage. kurang air.. takut perut buncit. konon.
time kecik-kecik la aku akan melembik terbaring je depan tv time pukul 7. tak sabar tunggu bila lah nak azan. kadang-kadang setengah jam before azan dan duduk depan meja. ada air tebu yang sejuk segelas. hmmm rasa nak hirup je.
time kecik-kecik la mak akan suruh hantar kuih kat rumah jiran. si emak sangat percaya pada anak nya walhal si anak akan merasa kuih yang dihantar. alamatnya, kurang sebiji kuih setiap kali hantar.
time kecik-kecik seronok sangat sebab time makan, gaduh-gaduh dengan adik. yang kakak beli semua kakak punya,adik tak bolehhhh..
time kecik-kecik dulu, aku ada 2 orang adik yang masih kecik. umi akan suruh aku tolong buaikan adik sebab umi nak solat terawih. agak-agak macam malas gila aku tak buai pun. aku biar je. bila dah menangis, umi pun berhenti la solat. kesian umi, dapat aku yang kurang tanggungjawab. tapi tu time umur 6 tahun kot. malasssss sangat dengan adik kecik-kecik. meluatt.. heheh
time kecik-kecik kalau umi masak berbuka suka sangat nak kacau-kacau. kalau umi goreng apa-apa dalam kuali, mesti sibuk nak terbalik kan konon takut hangus. time tu pendek tak sampai. so aku akan tarik kerusi dekat dengan kuali. dan berdiri atas kerusi tu pegang sudip, cekak pinggang. ala-ala makcik bedah.
time kecik-kecik kalau dah masuk minggu ke 3 puasa tu dah sibuk nak minta ayah cari kan bunga api. lepas tu si ayah yang sangat memahami akan belikan bunga api banyak gilaa. lepas tu bawak balik kampung mesti berlagak dengan saudara mara. dorang akan kejar-kejar kitaorang (anak cik din) sebab kitaorang lah supplier bunga api, mercun terbesar time tu. haha. gila berlagak.
time kecik-kecik dulu, kalau bulan ramadhan kan, mesti tak sabar nak raya, hari-hari try baju raya dengan kasut raya menari nari depan cermin. hehe. kalau ingt balik macammm sedihnya. zaman keriangan tanpa masalah sudahhh berlalu.
time kecik-kecik dulu kan, paling susah nak bangun sahur. kalau bangun pun kadang-kadang makan nasi tak buka mata. ada one time tidur je depan nasi tu. lepas tu kena mengamuk dengan umi sebab kalau tak sahur mesti aku akan lapar, kalau dah lapar mesti nak berbuka. puasa separuh hari.
time kecik-kecik dulu, kalau dengar lagu raya syokkk gila..macam esok nak raya.
itu semua time kecik-kecik dulu. confirm anda ada cerita yang sama. sebab time kita kecik-kecik la semua nya indah dan excited. puasa penuh dapat duit raya lebih, semua tu kebiasaan bagi kita.
tapi bila teringatkan yang sudah tiada mesti sedih. takpe, ada satu alam lain di mana kita akan jumpa juga.
yelah, time kecik-kecik la kita akan rambang mata bila pergi bazar. semua benda nak beli. tapi at last tak makan pun
time kecik-kecik la kita akan minum air banyak2 sampai kembung perut. lepas berbuka nak jalan pun susah. bila dah besar dah pandai manage. kurang air.. takut perut buncit. konon.
time kecik-kecik la aku akan melembik terbaring je depan tv time pukul 7. tak sabar tunggu bila lah nak azan. kadang-kadang setengah jam before azan dan duduk depan meja. ada air tebu yang sejuk segelas. hmmm rasa nak hirup je.
time kecik-kecik la mak akan suruh hantar kuih kat rumah jiran. si emak sangat percaya pada anak nya walhal si anak akan merasa kuih yang dihantar. alamatnya, kurang sebiji kuih setiap kali hantar.
time kecik-kecik seronok sangat sebab time makan, gaduh-gaduh dengan adik. yang kakak beli semua kakak punya,adik tak bolehhhh..
time kecik-kecik dulu, aku ada 2 orang adik yang masih kecik. umi akan suruh aku tolong buaikan adik sebab umi nak solat terawih. agak-agak macam malas gila aku tak buai pun. aku biar je. bila dah menangis, umi pun berhenti la solat. kesian umi, dapat aku yang kurang tanggungjawab. tapi tu time umur 6 tahun kot. malasssss sangat dengan adik kecik-kecik. meluatt.. heheh
time kecik-kecik kalau umi masak berbuka suka sangat nak kacau-kacau. kalau umi goreng apa-apa dalam kuali, mesti sibuk nak terbalik kan konon takut hangus. time tu pendek tak sampai. so aku akan tarik kerusi dekat dengan kuali. dan berdiri atas kerusi tu pegang sudip, cekak pinggang. ala-ala makcik bedah.
time kecik-kecik kalau dah masuk minggu ke 3 puasa tu dah sibuk nak minta ayah cari kan bunga api. lepas tu si ayah yang sangat memahami akan belikan bunga api banyak gilaa. lepas tu bawak balik kampung mesti berlagak dengan saudara mara. dorang akan kejar-kejar kitaorang (anak cik din) sebab kitaorang lah supplier bunga api, mercun terbesar time tu. haha. gila berlagak.
time kecik-kecik dulu, kalau bulan ramadhan kan, mesti tak sabar nak raya, hari-hari try baju raya dengan kasut raya menari nari depan cermin. hehe. kalau ingt balik macammm sedihnya. zaman keriangan tanpa masalah sudahhh berlalu.
time kecik-kecik dulu kan, paling susah nak bangun sahur. kalau bangun pun kadang-kadang makan nasi tak buka mata. ada one time tidur je depan nasi tu. lepas tu kena mengamuk dengan umi sebab kalau tak sahur mesti aku akan lapar, kalau dah lapar mesti nak berbuka. puasa separuh hari.
time kecik-kecik dulu, kalau dengar lagu raya syokkk gila..macam esok nak raya.
itu semua time kecik-kecik dulu. confirm anda ada cerita yang sama. sebab time kita kecik-kecik la semua nya indah dan excited. puasa penuh dapat duit raya lebih, semua tu kebiasaan bagi kita.
tapi bila teringatkan yang sudah tiada mesti sedih. takpe, ada satu alam lain di mana kita akan jumpa juga.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
okay okay.
marilah kita bercerita pasal interview aku di U-S e-m-b-a-s-s-y. (hhee saje je protect from google search, kang bila orang nak search us embassy habis keluar blog aku) yang mana gerak seawal 6.40 pagi dari rumah bersama eja.sebab takut jalan jam dan sampai lambat. interview aku pukul 9.30 pagi. hmm jalan tetap jam gila-gila. 1st time aku keluar rumah pagi ke KL. aku dapat merasakan betapa bosannya jalan jam.
okay sampai sana. mmg nervous. ada certain barang yang tak boleh bawak masuk. aku kna body checkup and muka2 security kat sana semua ganas-ganas macam nak tembak aku. tengok aku mcm aku ni terrorist je.
lepas ambik number aku pun pun duduk menanti number aku dipanggil. sebenarnya interview ni ada 3 stage. 1st and 2nd stage tu lepas la. macam biasa soalan2 basic je dia tanya which aku mmg dah prepare tak gagap punya. haha. 3rd stage tu yang pressure sebab interviewer tu serious dan cakap agak laju dengan slang US. okay aku kan dlm category english ni moderate je, tak delah fluent gila. cakap pun kena pk pk dulu.haha. fine. okay then aku dah dengar rmai orang kena interview sebelum aku. ramai yang tak lepas. means ada slip or certain thing might not meet the US regulation or requirement. kira kalau yang muka masam dapat kertas kuning tu tak lepas la. kena datang next time untuk second interview. yang senyum2 macam nak lompat tu kira lepas la. huhu. jelouss..
okay first dia tanya what purpose am going to united state. aku pun jawablah am doing internship within 6 month.
which company you doing internship. aku pun jawab american palm oil at W-a-s-h-i-n-g-t-o-n DC.
dia pun pandang aku sambil pegang form yang aku dah isi through online kan.
you did the wrong category ladies.
aku cam ayo ayoooo. hmm he ask me to call my friend who belonging to me to US. aku pun panggil eja. dia terang kan la what we need to do. okay fine. aku dah start rasa benda ni leceh. sebab kitaorang kena minta tlg A-P-O-C issue VISA pada kitaorang.
then am start thinking. how good if the A-P-O-C manager is my relative. hahaa. but bila aku cakap macam tu eja terus kata. "you.. mana ada benda senang dalam dunia ni. kalau semua nak senang kita pun tak ada usahaaa"
aku rasa, kalau eja tak ada mmg aku dah give up dah. yelah, almost 1 and half year kot process ni. mula-mula kena cari company. lepaas tu kena buat kertas kerja budget. letter of indemnity. emm lepas tu kena contact uitm buat surat issue permission for us to doing internship outside. and smpai 1 tahap aku rasa. emm tak larat dah.
tapi eja selalu bagi semangat. takpe takpe, kita try dulu. kita tak try kita tak tahu dapat ke tak. okay sekarang aku dah start berdebar. yelah aku dah spend hampir RM700 for visa fees and passport. tak campur minyak tol and kereta rosak sebab kekeringan air time ke KL. okay semua tu dugaan.
aku start risau aku tak dapat sebab aku takut A-P-O-C delay our requirement regarding the letter that US embassy need us to provide. before this A-P-O-C dah send confirmation letter dah. sekarang kitaorang minta letter lain pulak. aku takut sangat membebankan sir salleh which my trainer at A-P-O-C.
sekarang ni aku percaya macam ni jelah.
-kalau memang rezeki kami pergi, dapat lah pergi. budget uitm dah lulus. amount dah tahu dah berapa seorang daapat. ticket flight uitm dah tlg book dah. cuma visa je. emm.. ni semua semangat kental eja ajak aku pergi sana sini dlam uitm shah alam cari siapa yang in charge bahagian unit amanah, bendahari, accountant. eja-eja. dapat la merasa naik canselery kat atas tu. itupun eja ajak supaya pembiayaan kita di selesaikan hari tu jugak.
-and kalau tak dapat pergi, mesti ada reason behind that. kita tak tahu. mampu merancang. tuhan tentukan segalanya. tapi serious rasa berdebar nak tunggu benda ni habis. kalau dapat alhamdulillah, kalau tak dapat aku terimaaa juga.
we have ample time to complete the requirement. the thing is, the letter is under APOC processes. if they really wanna help us, they will settle it as quick as they can. same as how hope we are here waiting this and that. the confirmation, the respond from APOC before.
betul lah kata ramai orang. it is really strict to enter united stated compare to france ke, UK ke, lecturer pun ramai kata macam tu. tapi.. as eja said, "kita try je dulu".
tungggu jelah letter tu sampai. sangat berharap dan berdebar. what gonna happen next. am I really entitle to practical at oversea or not? no words.
till the next interview. daaaa ~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
yang lalu
Assalamualaikum. sebenarnya aku memang mengantuk gila sekarang since aku bgn awal pukul 5 study untuk test hari ini. it was my mistake. I thought my class were start on 8.30 but it actually at 10.30. time jalan kaki ke padang kawad..aku call Aliaa tanya dia kat mana and dia suara mamai je jawab "class hari ni kan pukul 10 you..."
owwww owwww..
dah dua kali aku jadi mcm ni. aku tak tahu kenapa. emm bangun tidur terus mandi pergi class. mira dah ejek2 dah. dia kata"you boleh tak bangun tidur tu tengok jadual dulu. dah nak masuk 3 bulan kot u selalu salah timing" hahhhahah. yelah yelah aku je. you pun pernah jadi mcm I kan. maybe balasan untuk aku sebab dulu gelak kan mira.okay itu kes pagi tadi. kes duit shot nya. emm pening kepala fikir mcm mana duit kutipan ticket ke bandng boleh kurang RM50. tapi akhirnya dapat tau jugak. emm okay itu satu lagi..yang penting sangat ni.. esok my bestfriend nak datang sini. she come from kedah. huhu. rindu woh kat you.. aku akan jemput kat LCCT. dia datang sebab kitaorang ada interview hari jumaat sama date cuma time je lain. I pukul 9.30 you pukul 10.00 kan. fuh berdebar sehhhh..
dan kehadiran eja buat aku teringat semua exclassmate dan lecturer dan juga semua kakitangan uitm merbok which I miss them much. seriously. rasa macam nak pergi ke kedah melawat mereka. Insyaallah before semester end aku akan pergi sana jugak. yelah lepas habis belajar mesti semua dah berterabur buat hal masing2..
antaara picture semester lepas yang sgt bermakna untuk aku. class BM2204A is the best. hehe. memang marketing class ada 1 je pun kat kedah. buat berlagak plak ko pikun..
Happy birthday Prof. prof jangan buat muka confuse. aku cam dah malu betul ke hari ni birthday prof zaki. jangan buat pasai. dah lah aku yang tgh pegang bawak masuk kek dalam class.. heheh..
ni nama nya Irma. selalu bawak bekal nasi goreng, kuih2. . paling sedap cucur badak panas2. yang tukang habiskan kitaorang la. irma, pika nak kuih satu lagi boleh? hehe ayat standard nak mintakkk kuih.

tears :(
itu jelah picture yang mampu upload sebab 1 picture took 10 minutes to complete which I can't wait I feel sleepy already. picture faezah nanti saya tunjuk. beliau lah yang bersama saya time di kedah dan there's a lot of thing I've learned from her.
till the next entry. bye. :)
owwww owwww..
dah dua kali aku jadi mcm ni. aku tak tahu kenapa. emm bangun tidur terus mandi pergi class. mira dah ejek2 dah. dia kata"you boleh tak bangun tidur tu tengok jadual dulu. dah nak masuk 3 bulan kot u selalu salah timing" hahhhahah. yelah yelah aku je. you pun pernah jadi mcm I kan. maybe balasan untuk aku sebab dulu gelak kan mira.okay itu kes pagi tadi. kes duit shot nya. emm pening kepala fikir mcm mana duit kutipan ticket ke bandng boleh kurang RM50. tapi akhirnya dapat tau jugak. emm okay itu satu lagi..yang penting sangat ni.. esok my bestfriend nak datang sini. she come from kedah. huhu. rindu woh kat you.. aku akan jemput kat LCCT. dia datang sebab kitaorang ada interview hari jumaat sama date cuma time je lain. I pukul 9.30 you pukul 10.00 kan. fuh berdebar sehhhh..
dan kehadiran eja buat aku teringat semua exclassmate dan lecturer dan juga semua kakitangan uitm merbok which I miss them much. seriously. rasa macam nak pergi ke kedah melawat mereka. Insyaallah before semester end aku akan pergi sana jugak. yelah lepas habis belajar mesti semua dah berterabur buat hal masing2..
antaara picture semester lepas yang sgt bermakna untuk aku. class BM2204A is the best. hehe. memang marketing class ada 1 je pun kat kedah. buat berlagak plak ko pikun..

tears :(
itu jelah picture yang mampu upload sebab 1 picture took 10 minutes to complete which I can't wait I feel sleepy already. picture faezah nanti saya tunjuk. beliau lah yang bersama saya time di kedah dan there's a lot of thing I've learned from her.
till the next entry. bye. :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
kucing dan manusia
hye hye. I really wanna write this. serious.
first thing about my cat and kitten. they make me wanna back home everyday. they just like a human. they have a sense and know which people are they familiar and refuse to touching by people they doesn't know. contoh mcm Ommas. he might be run away when jiji's friends coming. serious he just a shy cat followed as their owner. haha. here I put my ommas and the 2 kitten picture which I and my adik didn't get suitable name for these two. any suggestion?

this is ommas, name given after 1 month living here. the name stated before at his birth certificate is bee jay. just like bapok name. so we decide to call him ommas. my mum call him ommas Ganteng si kunteng as a Javanese name I even don't know wht the meaning is. muka je ganas, tapi pengecut. he now 5 month. tapi cm 5 tahun. muka kau muka tuaaa.. kau tua. bweekk

okay okay this is sooo freshy. kira kalau masuk hostel kau lah yang kena buli. nama dia ketum mula2. but nadia always call him junior since his face similar to his "abang". tapi aku still panggil tomm..
and cik adik manis berbulu kuning pekat. its hard to capture her face. she's act as a girl character. polite and shy-shy chicken. I love this more because she's the one just keep quite even shower time. not like ommas and tomm. habis luka tgn kami kena cakar..tapi this little girl diam je..sampai nadia kata "rasanya dia ni bisu lah" then it wondering me is there any cat being bisu? I never heard it before. so I don't know. anyone know?

okay lastly, ni bukti first time in my life aku pegang kucing. see.. mereka comel sebenarnya. mengapa perlu ditakuti? memang dulu takut gila dengan kucing. emm no words to describe how cheer your life within cat. serious to padeng, shira and those who aren't like cat. touch them once. you may feel it. they just like us. korang dtg rumah aku, aku paksa peganggg.. hahah. zalim.
Dah habis pasal kucing, I would to express my dissatisfaction towards admin services. emm tanak la bagitahu office mana. tapi kalau dah business student to faham2 la office mana. yang mana, I've been ask about practical thing 2 times. first time I've been angry by this one who have tittle. but I do not blame him. even I am not intense to blaming anyone. it just misunderstanding. there are 2 ladies seat at the kaca bilik. kalau untuk suara yang slow mcm aku ni korang rasa boleh dengar ke apa aku nak sampai kan kalau akak cuma duduk dan angkat-angkat kening bila saya sedang bercakap akak? fine. dia pun dah sampaikan apa yang aku soalkan kepada yang lebih pakar which is this title man kan.
towards the end aku kena marah. "you pergi tanya lecturer you kat kedah la, semua lecturer you akan uruskan.." emm wht the..
takpe2 sabar. kau student. kau kena sabar. "tp saya study kat sini-"
"mcm mana awak boleh study kat sini tadi kata kat kedah-" muka confuse
"nope.. previously am at kedah, but just transferred here this sem"
"ohhhh.. bagitau la..."
emm dalam hati isgtigfar la banyak2 semoga tuhan beri kekuatan.
"Saya dah bgtau akak tadi dah..." aku defend diri.
"emm kenapa bagitahu dia. bagitau la saya-"
okay fine. memang saya salah. saya pesalah..tapi still senyumm mcm tak ada perasaan.
dah solve one problem.
soalan aku siapa yang akan supervise kita time practical because I maybe doing it abroad so it essentially for me to manage it early.
jawapan:supervisor kita akan ditentukan oleh KP ye kawan2. jgn tanya practical counter. they might eat you.
second situation which happen yesterday. I come again. muka yang sama sedang duduk. agak lemah. puasa yeee... alorh syian syian. meh nak tanya sikit je.. tak banyak..
"akak, oh akak..saya blah blah blah...."
akak tu angkat kepala- angkat kening.sedang duduk. emm faham pulak aku bahasa isyarat kau. fine...
"akak boleh dekat sikit tak, nanti tak dengar saya nak cakap apa" nada lemah lembut la.
dia bangun datang kat cermin tu..
aku pun..
"saya blah blahhh and blahhhhh."( ajukan soalan lah kan)
akak kesayangan diam sebentar..lalu berpaling kepada this man who may knowledgeable about internship program.
and lepas dapat jawapan aku puas hati. okay fine. dah ada position in mind of the service delivered here. sorry am not judging but am experience it myself. patutlah kawan2 aku kat sini selalu tanya aku pasal practical time aku kat kedah dulu. kesian dorang. baru aku sedar betapa susah dan tak membantu pun sebenarnya pun.kedah branch service is better. not comparing. its reality. mcm hari tu ada student foreigner tanya pa benda ntah. sama jugak la mcm nak tak nak jawab. kalau rasa tak nak kerja. pergi balik. hehe.
to akak: kalau akak tak mampu jawab pertanyaan saya tapi please lah as a human being, could you pleasant me as how you wanna people pleasant at you. p cari buku consumer behavior kat PTAR. ceh dulu time kat kedah panggil library ye. now PTAR.. :) I wouldn't expect more.
kita manusia boleh senyum kan. ommas tak boleh senyumm. kesian ommass..
hye hye. I really wanna write this. serious.
first thing about my cat and kitten. they make me wanna back home everyday. they just like a human. they have a sense and know which people are they familiar and refuse to touching by people they doesn't know. contoh mcm Ommas. he might be run away when jiji's friends coming. serious he just a shy cat followed as their owner. haha. here I put my ommas and the 2 kitten picture which I and my adik didn't get suitable name for these two. any suggestion?
okay okay this is sooo freshy. kira kalau masuk hostel kau lah yang kena buli. nama dia ketum mula2. but nadia always call him junior since his face similar to his "abang". tapi aku still panggil tomm..
okay lastly, ni bukti first time in my life aku pegang kucing. see.. mereka comel sebenarnya. mengapa perlu ditakuti? memang dulu takut gila dengan kucing. emm no words to describe how cheer your life within cat. serious to padeng, shira and those who aren't like cat. touch them once. you may feel it. they just like us. korang dtg rumah aku, aku paksa peganggg.. hahah. zalim.
Dah habis pasal kucing, I would to express my dissatisfaction towards admin services. emm tanak la bagitahu office mana. tapi kalau dah business student to faham2 la office mana. yang mana, I've been ask about practical thing 2 times. first time I've been angry by this one who have tittle. but I do not blame him. even I am not intense to blaming anyone. it just misunderstanding. there are 2 ladies seat at the kaca bilik. kalau untuk suara yang slow mcm aku ni korang rasa boleh dengar ke apa aku nak sampai kan kalau akak cuma duduk dan angkat-angkat kening bila saya sedang bercakap akak? fine. dia pun dah sampaikan apa yang aku soalkan kepada yang lebih pakar which is this title man kan.
towards the end aku kena marah. "you pergi tanya lecturer you kat kedah la, semua lecturer you akan uruskan.." emm wht the..
takpe2 sabar. kau student. kau kena sabar. "tp saya study kat sini-"
"mcm mana awak boleh study kat sini tadi kata kat kedah-" muka confuse
"nope.. previously am at kedah, but just transferred here this sem"
"ohhhh.. bagitau la..."
emm dalam hati isgtigfar la banyak2 semoga tuhan beri kekuatan.
"Saya dah bgtau akak tadi dah..." aku defend diri.
"emm kenapa bagitahu dia. bagitau la saya-"
okay fine. memang saya salah. saya pesalah..tapi still senyumm mcm tak ada perasaan.
dah solve one problem.
soalan aku siapa yang akan supervise kita time practical because I maybe doing it abroad so it essentially for me to manage it early.
jawapan:supervisor kita akan ditentukan oleh KP ye kawan2. jgn tanya practical counter. they might eat you.
second situation which happen yesterday. I come again. muka yang sama sedang duduk. agak lemah. puasa yeee... alorh syian syian. meh nak tanya sikit je.. tak banyak..
"akak, oh akak..saya blah blah blah...."
akak tu angkat kepala- angkat kening.sedang duduk. emm faham pulak aku bahasa isyarat kau. fine...
"akak boleh dekat sikit tak, nanti tak dengar saya nak cakap apa" nada lemah lembut la.
dia bangun datang kat cermin tu..
aku pun..
"saya blah blahhh and blahhhhh."( ajukan soalan lah kan)
akak kesayangan diam sebentar..lalu berpaling kepada this man who may knowledgeable about internship program.
and lepas dapat jawapan aku puas hati. okay fine. dah ada position in mind of the service delivered here. sorry am not judging but am experience it myself. patutlah kawan2 aku kat sini selalu tanya aku pasal practical time aku kat kedah dulu. kesian dorang. baru aku sedar betapa susah dan tak membantu pun sebenarnya pun.kedah branch service is better. not comparing. its reality. mcm hari tu ada student foreigner tanya pa benda ntah. sama jugak la mcm nak tak nak jawab. kalau rasa tak nak kerja. pergi balik. hehe.
to akak: kalau akak tak mampu jawab pertanyaan saya tapi please lah as a human being, could you pleasant me as how you wanna people pleasant at you. p cari buku consumer behavior kat PTAR. ceh dulu time kat kedah panggil library ye. now PTAR.. :) I wouldn't expect more.
kita manusia boleh senyum kan. ommas tak boleh senyumm. kesian ommass..
Sunday, August 8, 2010
shah alam
hahaha. writing mood. since no homework to do so its time to continue writing after been silent for a week I guess. actually nothing interested to update but for me this is the way am going to look at when am get older. my children gonna see what their mum doing and end up with laughing and lesson, maybe. some maybe can take as a lesson,but some just about silly thing I've been writing especially when the first time you have blog. its like no direction story you wrote but still.. want to write as others did.
2 month here seem like 2 day. quick and running like you just can walk straight cannot turning back because I feel like limited time to do this and that. weekend is like a minutes. no more rest and have a long sleep. my schedule on weekend is about sending my adik tuition. yes. three of them. pergi dan pulang I jemput. but its fun because you can see how they grow, I love to listen what they learn at school, about their friends, but since times fast go fly, I just still can remember how first day I send nadia go to school during her standard one. now she standard 4. hmm anak dara dah.
before this am at kedah. 4 years, I feel satisfied am here, can see everyone, you experience real life as student. pagi2 berebut naik bas. after class you've to berebut jugak. everything have been plan for me before. I believe on that. I just walking on the flow. I get degree at kedah, and have something much valuable that might be tell you guys later. it just ambition. I never thought that I can achieve like this high. not gonna to say am success, but as opportunity coming, it solely make me confident and excitement to go further and better. although I knew its hard when you come in a group. some in may be less commitment. I believe ALLAH know our effort and willing get as what we reserve for.
future? just around the corner, its heavy practically when I saw this. oh korang. yelah window shopping and survey. price comparing. tak salah kan make early preparation. good job :)
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