semuanya macam dah hampir selesai. menguruskan dinner dah habis. debaran jadi MC pun dah lepas. presentation semua sudah berakhir. tinggal saki baki report je and test jugak. Final dah sangat dekat. tapi apa preparation aku? the answer is zero. apa apa pun semua letak pada diri sendiri, semua letak di bahu sendiri. pilihan hidup kita pilih sendiri. once you fail it doesn't mean you'll never win or success. but when we start to choose, please look for the next. it has two possibilities. either it will be very good or otherwise. Just remind ourselves that everything happen for a reason. but why don't we ask ourselves will the reason be a poison? ask yourself. ask.
To arrived this ages, we just a ordinary person. make mistake and be blaming. sometimes the apologize no longer acceptable for a certain people whom really hurt. in other way, Allah still loves you. Start thinking how to move, how to improve. be slowly. don't rushing because it is not easy as walking.
For the time being, Alhamdulillah, I can still stand by my own legs, I still could smile with my own lips and the world can see, still by my eyes. I have a dreams same like as other normal woman desired to be. Limitation is there. Because of I am a woman, because of I am student, and because of I am girlfriend for my boyfriend. because of I am daughter to my parents and I am just and only a creature for my creator.
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