Sorry for required permission to excess this blog for a while. Its just under renovation and recovering and also try to avoid something that Im gonna tell you later. It basically just about someone leaving comment on my cbox. let me introduce little bit about Damn, eh them. hehe. They are Gadis and Gedix. They maybe friends and definitely my good friends also. I believe that my good friends not only being in good, when they have opportunity to step back. they'll grab it then. honestly Im speechless reading her/his comment. seriously I am like who is this? . I tried developed my positive thinking toward all these two people, yes definitely they are people because dog cannot write and read and leaving comment like that. and I am pretty sure that the comment is actually from the same people. huh. I even didn't understand what is the purpose he/she throw some of the bad words to me. yang lain I boleh terima. Yang hantar comment ada ayat2 al-quran tu semua good. thanks Mia. the whole day I was thinking about that. am I too bad for given such words??
1. Gedix: ala..x sedia la nak pakai. tunggu la Allah turunkan bala baru i pakai tudung
Gadis: lawa kat dunia jerla woi..putih nk suro jantan gatai tgk ker..hahahaha
Gedix: i yg gatai nk soh jantan2 tgk..xpala..pulah suka dok tgk i togei cmni..auwww..! gebus2 gitus.
2. lecturer marketing eja: kenapa takut untuk bertudung? takut tak cantik ke. jangan silap, bila kita bertudung, satu persatu hidayah Allah akan beri pada kita.
from all these two , which one do you think advice for you?
which one would you prefer to followed?
which one do you think educated person said from?
which one is proper way?
which one?
can you answer me?
one more things, I am sure again, it comes from my friends, my near friends, which I can't guess who they are because I never have a bad friends. everyone is kindly show me good in front. I have no enemies. question mark again.
Another things is. I have a happy family, I have many friends including you, I have a good boyfriends. definitely pulah, you also known, I have lecturer that I love here,
It enough for me to saying that,
my family knows me, my UMI even know who is her daughter, my friends know who is real me, my boyfriend even always remind me to do all the good things, never ask me to "bukak tudung". and my lecturer also have their way to teach me to be a better person.
All the person above never said BALA to me. never too late to apologize my dear...If you are more knowledgeable, comes in front and said directly to me, I can accept any criticism from any people. don't waste your time to write on my cbox and used gadis or gedix names. okay friends? Kita sama-sama manusia. berfikir dan bercakaplah cara manusia. jangan menyalak-nyalak sebab aku tak faham. anjing sebelah umah aku faham.
ps: habislah lepas ni kalau orang meng-google BALA dengan ANJING keluar habis blog aku..
pka: just ignore them. u know who u are, their opinion isn't needed. love, nadia
hehe. thanks nadia..:))
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