hye hye. I'm here, at UMSC as usual, waiting till 12.00 p.m. it's been 4 hour to complete the dialysis therapy, but it's okay. I'm fine with it. I enjoyed belonging him ( my ayah ) to hospital 3 times a week. because I don't know when I can help him out after this, plus if my visa approved, I can go to Paris at the end of dec. so, this is the only opportunity I have before my practical oversea being started.
for the today post, practical is not the topic that keen me of to share, it just MUKADDIMAH, as I don't know what to write at the first place. blank to do anything. it just that, I bring laptop here so that I'm not too bored waiting for 4 hour.
first of all, I would apologize to everyone that I hurt, I break my promise to them. some of u maybe feel it. like what I see, I realize, it's look like am change. am not so sure which part. but in real, I changed. honestly saying, I'm not intend to do so. like for example, promise people to do this and that for them, promise to help them to go here and there, but I end up with do nothing for them. I'm so sorry. I would do if I could. Seriously if I could, I would help as possible as I can.
time is so fast goes fly by. I even don't have a proper plan to do something to be better. times always ruined my plan..I always late. is it all about blame time to short or you yourself doesn't learned how to be well prepared? and in the end, I break my plan with some of friends. like what happen last week. am planning to bring her (eja)to survey practical places and area and to others (eyno), I promise to hang out at friday. and how could I forget that I should be at alya's home at friday to prepare stuff to sell at bazaar. I promise her to tagging the price and packing the stuff properly, so that it wouldn't waste the space of the bag that we would bring later. am so sorry.
me even couldn't remember that tomorrow is friday( last week). I thought tomorrow is thurday. how ridiculous I am to forget all those important thing which am supposed to remember it well. yes, break your promises is the worst thing you shouldn't do. but I did it frequently. not one, it twice and repeat again. so don't promise if you're not conform that you can fulfill it.
so, what's happening during my weekends? here are some photo that could story you about my weekends all about. tell you, it been tiring.. but fun and enjoy. tak ada lah kaya mana, but worth it if I could manage it better. unfortunately it wasn't. hahaha.

just to show you our picture with yuna (bukan uyun) and hannah. they came to support us. cehh. padahal tak pun. frankly, hannah is really beautiful as beauty she is at the picture.

that's all for this time. maybe ptg ni, esok lusa, tulat, tulut or tulot update lagi lah. see you till next post. :)
eja ni. weyh, korang tade jual seluar ke? kalau ade nak beli.
wah u going practical at paris ker?
wah nice weekend.
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