bukan kaki anak gajah, mahupun beruang kutub, kaki seorang gadis 22 tahun, berat 54 kg.
yes kakiku..
berlaku 5 bulan yang lepas sadis tak?
punca? jatuh toilet. selipar licin sebab haus, beli selipar seringgit. so makcik makcik la you
Idk where to start or even should I share my feeling. I am too worry due to my knee complication. it's been pain since last weeks, I feel it after study at library, might be too cold in the library leads to effect my knee.
but seriously, it was hurting when I was going back to klang from sungai petani last nite. I've to seat at the bus within 5 hours arrived to klang. hardest to explain the feeling, simple saying it was terrible.
I thought that, kalaulah aku pergi massage dari awal lepas jatuh dulu or get some treatment mesti benda ni tak jadi. bila dah sakit baru nak mengadu2 to people around, I've seek advice from pulah since he had an experience toward retak2, bedah ni and sama dengannya. and I also ask about this to my friends, ebear yang baru je lepas operation knee. and the symptom is same like what I've experience now. I felt down and stress because the operation will cost you a hundred. where I can get such amount. too big plus I wouldn't it will be troubling to ayah and umi, they've many commitment which I think this matter could be difficulties to be solve otherwise umi suggest me to get traditional treatment from wak saring (tukang urut) first. hmm, tak kisah pun mana2, the thing is, if wak saaring treatment doesn't not effective, still have to refer to hospital am I? tuhan je tahu perasaan ni which I think if I've to get operation, it effect my study because definitely should have enough rest and holiday in a month and the study will be left out mcm tu je. the procedure is like this, I've to do MRI (i don't know what the meaning, but it was some medication, that could scan human body and determine which part get problem related to tissue or ligament and so on) after that I can proceed.
that's one thing. another thing is, sometimes home is the best place which I could spend the sweet moment in front of tv and sleep on my own bed and my room also I think, but.. hmm I just mess up with that. it make me feel like want to going back to kedah. seriously, sekarang baru pukul 10 pagi. and aku rasa aku ni kategori yang tak reti bgn lambat sangat cuma sebab baru sampai pukul12 mlm tadi and restless because of the knee pain. I tak boleh tidur lena mlm tadi. sakit. lepas tu. hmm please la ibunda, put some understanding. tak minta byk, please la, kalau boleh tak nak la bertekak dengan benda yang sama je, almost my friend tau dah kalau masalah aku dengan umi tu masalah apa. tapi benda ni takkan settle kalau kita bercakap sedap mulut dan nak ikut hati masing2. ntahlah, sedih pun ada, stress pun ada. tak tahu nak describe. macam nak tarik balik applying to transfer to Uitm shah alam pun ada in order to maintain our relationship being good all the time, not like when Im home. like today, and the few weeks later, trust me, Im sure its gonna have conflict within day by day because of the same reason, dari dulu until now.
Aku bukan pemalas. plus, I can handle and do it by myself without anyone to ask me(suruh dengan cara mrh2) to do so. aku dah 22 years old. not to say Im big enough, but don't treat me like Im 10 years old could you?. sakit lutut plus tersentuh hati ni, sendiri rasa jugak. btw, its gonna be fine, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY AND THANKS FOR BEING A WONDERFUL MOTHER AND MINIRADIO TO US. (miniradio is ayah yang start dulu, so do blame ayah). hehe
terfikir kalau lah cacat. fuh. ;(
afiqa..its gonna be nice if u speel my name correctly..amylia..ngee..by da way..betoi ka smpai nak kena operate babe...hermmp seem liked quite crious yar ur injured..tp pa pa pon jga dri bek2....saba bnyak2 yar...strong gurl..;)
ntah, tp tanda2 tu sama mcm kawan aku yang br lepas operation. rasa tarik2 je bahagian lutut ni. emm please doakan . aku bukan tkut operate, aku cuma pk cost dia je, aku tak nak susah and peningkan ayah aku. thanks btw. :)
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