what A busy week this week just because going to library, bringing a papers, seat at there untill 4 to 5 hours kindda so
pulun but I don't know why it happen to me. am I still me or what is make me change? I don't know. Indeed, I was excited to finish up all the chapter of every single subject papers coming toward next. I manage to get an A for all papers but question ask my mind, can I get such result that I am seek of. hmm. Let me introduce who is Afiqa before. during diploma season, I though exam is just like quiz and we can simply seat the examination by not prepared any in box memory. I studied based on past year examination question and though I will lucky if the question come out. if not, my answer will based on my point of view. haha. I love writing compared to calculation, I don't say I hate calculation subject, it just the mathematical, number or any sign to calculation doesn't show my credibility to prove my possession. marketing is perfect decision that I've been made ever since I've a lot of hard with battles of calculation subject during diploma time.
Doing Marketing, instant saying it is great and enjoy. reading and writing is my therapy. I couldn't manage the calculation subject alone but subject in marketing is more reading and understanding the concept is better for me because before this, business study's student has been exposed more about fundamental of marketing and basic of management class. it enough to say I am happy doing this course and believed most of my friends in Uitm shah alam and Arau doing finance enjoy their field too. and unforgettable someone that I do missing at Dungun also satisfied with course her taken for degree level. everyone make the right decision. friends, I miss you guys so badly. especially siti solehah. I am sure u won't read this, You even have double commitment now. its okay knowing you're fine there. it just
WE MISS our LEHA. ;(its enough story for studies and them.
Another things is emotions. My mood sometimes jump to cheer and someday I feel so bad. so many worry due to my father's diabetes complication. I do miss the moment where he can smile. He even cannot smile perfectly I know him well and do understand how bad his body condition nowadays. A few days ago I send sms to him ask my feeling towards his condition and he replied me
Masalah dalam hidup ni memang ada, kalau tak Allah takkan jadikan kita,tapi jgn cari masalah dengan perkara yang bukan-bukan. Don't be so worry. Insyaallah everything will be okay, Time factor je. Kakak jaga diri elok-elok. belajar rajin-rajin and sayang semua adik-adik"
Million touched on deeply inside and tears are coming unpredictable. yes it real me, I can't handle the sadness situation without crying. although in the movie or real situation of unhappiest, having cry makes me feel good and well to back normal. Indeed, I was question mark for that message and wish ayah will be fine like what he said or only purposed to make me calm. IDK.
Moreover, need post and sharing unexplainable feeling. still don't know the reason why it was so. Probably might be mess within the examination week and little bit of too enough sleep and less work out. Loss of direction to get slimming back just like before. fed up with unchange of myweight with the hard exercise and craving to eat more like MCD BURGER, SATAY, NASI LEMAK. hmm tired and tensed up with diet planning.
and more. like I've mention my emotion is unstable and could be up and suddenly down sometimes. I didn't noticed the reason of. if I can hide, I may try to be hiding and keep it as a secret as I can. and one more things, last but not least, by the time goes fly, the problem can be solve just like silent mode. its my attitudes maybe and talk at the back is another attitudes of me which I also think to change it off. I though silent is my way to act that I am cool. Everyone around was lied but not myself. IDK. this feeling experience me being a highly patient able to manage the matter and control from throw the bad words to the people appoint.
I am not extraordinary people not make mistake. I am normal, the time flash back, I do regret talking back about others and complain their weaknesses. surely you do so too rite? everyone is just same and as a normal, People cannot reach fully satisfaction until the ends like more money more we will desired. This is what I get through journey of my life and story of being Afiqa. life is about the long journey and treasured to be faced. easy or hard, we've ascent to reach the mountant. the day never rewinds. The day will start with new day for everyday. yesterday is saturday, today is sunday and tomorrow gonna be monday are the instantly of how lifes going fast and left the memory aside.
Desirable to become more rational in managing conflict. Alhamdulillah 'he' give me 'him' and 'them'. I would put everything on positive way and wishing it could maintain me from offensiveness. My road is straight. I cannot turning to right or left and definitely back is prohibited. it just straight along the way. This journey wont be distract by anythings or anyone. Everyone is same. be open minded and positive in anyway or else, mindless. you did your own. I keep mine. easy. finish.

This girl really made my day. I dream one day I could have my own girl and the life goes to valuable with precious moment only with you. (berangan)