bergambar time breakfast.
Assalamualaikum, aku tau blog ni dah macam sampah, tapi takpe, as long as I've blog, this place for me to realize what I feel.
hari-hari yang lepas sangat mencabar. makan tak cukup, tidur tak cukup. dalam 1 hari boleh ada 2 test, presentation and hantar 2 report. memang lah menggila kan. semua benda serabut. tapi mengenangkan class tinggal beberapa hari sahaja nak habis, aku cuba bertenang. dan sekarang class dah habis. no more student's life after this. sedih lol.. kalau ada pun mesti tak sama mcm sekarang. life as a student ni actually enjoy. pejam celik, dah habis belajar rupanya aku. and lepas practical kerja. which the next step further. alhamdulillah kerja semua selesai. cuma ada lagi 3 report je nak hantar next week. maksudnya aku tak bercuti lagi la sekarang.
disebalik kebusy-an kami semua siapkan assignment, (perlu ke mulakan ayat dengan disebalik sekarang?) okay sambung.. hmm my visa application is another issue yang menggilakan aku. we tend to wait and keep follow up with the company. eja said that dont give up until they say "NO". And alhamdulillah after wait about 1 month, they admit that american palm oil cannot provide the document as required of U.S embassy.
why I said alhamdulillah? I tired to wait. that the reason. apart from that, eja ask me to email the another regional branch of mpoc which I prefer Egypt. eja was handle IDD Program at uitm shah alam so she ask me to do so. I email the contact person over there. I draft what is our purpose to go they and etc. I mean like so panjang lebar aku taip. the answer is "regret to say we not provide internship program, sorry"
time tu mcm rasa nak mengeluh panjang-panjang. aku dah dapat placement kat prudential petaling jaya. and miera ask me to hold to send the acceptance letter to HEP. aku cakap hantar jelah, dah malas nak fikir pasal internship luar. serious, biarlah aku berkhidmat di tempat sendiri. betul.. aku fed up.
tapi, ada 1 lagi opportunity. yang mana aku memang sikit pun tak harap kan. aku letih dah.
15 october which is yesterday, there are 14 student shortlisted to interview at matrade. the best thing is my name are includes. but this is under uitm kedah application. aku syukur sangat En. Ruzaimy letak nama aku. tapi paling tak best bila aku kelam kabut, baju pergi interview tak ada. semua tak ada. interview hari jumaat, kerja aku pun tak siap lagi. tapi takpe, aku just pergi dengan harapan ini pengalaman.
I thought there were only uitm kedah student going to interview but it actually other batch from UiTM shah alam student from other course (tak pyh state lacos apa issue sensitive). dah macam rancangan apprentice dah. semua smart2. aku? selekeh hampeh. pinjam seluar jiji. besar gila. longgar dan nak jatuh. ya rabbi sumpah aku teruk sangat dressup.
there are 2 stage of interview. aku group number 3. 10 orang akan masuk sekali dalam 1st stage tu. yang mana combine 2 student from kedah and 5 from shah alam. before interview session start, semua candidate di bawa melawat dalam matrade. I was like "besar gila tempat ni, betul ke aku nak kerja kat sini?" berkata dalam hati, sambil tengok budak2 dari uitm shah alam yang lain yang sangat berpontensi besar nak dapat opportunity ke luar negara ni.
okay, interview session dah nak start. aku ni kan bangang. lupa resume. resume ada kat rumah. aku memang bangang. ko ingat ko nak interview kerja kedai jual perabot ke? aku dengan muka tak malu pinjam PC office sebab nak print resume aku yang ada dalam email aku. dan aku actually telah buat slack kat situ.
"SIAPA YANG TAK BAWAK RESUME TADI" Tiba-tiba aku kena sound.
emmm "saya.." muka bodoh je.
"mcm mana nak kerja resume pun tak bawak, kata nak pergi oversea, benda-benda penting mcm ni pun boleh lupa macam mana?" tmbah beliau. tak kenal, staff matrade lah.
takpe, aku senyum je. I admit that was my mistake and accept if it will be the reason im not selected to be sending to matrade branch.
first stage interview. sumpah berdebar. jantung mcm nak tercabut. interviewer is the CEO matrade. sangat strict, cakap direct. ada 3 orang interviewer. aku turn yang second last bercakap daripada 10 orang. stage ni, we're asked to introduce ourself to convince them why we are entitle to be part of matrade's practical training at oversea?
aku? haha. merapu rapan. menggoreng lah. tapi bila fikir balik sumpah lawak aku cakap dalam bahasa arab which is my third language that I've been taking last time during my diploma. aku rasa mesti orang arab kalau dengar baling kasut kat aku. :)
okay lepas 1st stage lega sangat. sangat-sangat.
ada second stage pulak. second stage ni, we have to debate. amboi. hebat je, tak pernah-pernah masuk debate time2 ni nak kena debate. yes, everything is english.
okay okay. lepas 1st group keluar bilik tu, aku pun tanya lah apa yang korang debate kan. diaorang kata kena pilih tajuk sendiri dan kupas lah issue tu, its between us and uitm shah alam student. and the bad thing is where one of student dihalau keluar sebab overconfident nak bercakap sorang je. takut weh..
okay, group 3 boleh masuk.
"nurafiqah siapa??"
"you may start. choose the issue!"
what the... I was like mati-mati. but suddenly the topic appear.
how to promote and sell malaysia product to United state? my side said that we have difficulty to enter US market because of discrimination. they discriminate muslim country since incident september11.
uitm shah alam student argue and said that US are very friendly and there are malay restaurant open kat sana sebab dia pernah stay sana dulu.
emm the conversation going to be interested and am so exciting sebab aku ada idea because of my visa problem. and important of marketing subject that I learned. it help me so much.
lepas je interview tu semua diarah ke bilik meeting. berdebar kot. nak tunggu result. there are about 10-15 kekosongan untuk practical training student yang akan dihantar ke matrade branch.
disebab kan masa tak mengizinkan, they cannot decide which country we're going to place. they'll inform us next week.
semua dah keluar...
sir pandang aku and senyum. "afiqa awak dapat. you're the top scorer"
sumpah nangis terus. time tu teringat muka umi dengan ayah. this is really not for me. Am lucky because of you guys. berbaur-baur je perasaan. terharu. ini jelah yang aku ada nak bagi pada mereka.
Apart from that, sir Rizaimy told that CEO of Matrade are impressed with me and he remember my name at the first when sir ask him who is selected. I dont know where it come from. mungkin doa orang sekeliling saya.
placement will be inform later. tapi bila fikir-fikir balik. everything happen for a reason. kalau aku tak apply intership ke US, aku tak akan tahu betapa susahnya nak masuk sana. and aku tak akan ada idea untuk debate semalam. Allah tu adil. apa-apa pun, semua candidate did the good job, semua bagus dan berpotensi.
talking about love...
my friends kat kedah tegur aku semalam kenapa aku kurus? yeke.. aku tak pasti. cuma aku tak lalu makan sekarang. rasa sedih bila tgh makan. sebab teringatkan seseorang yang suka makan:(
aku tahu everybody see me as a jerk. I dont mind. I know what I want. I've big responsibility toward my family, let me fulfill it first. saya harap ada yang sudi just that sometimes I miss him. but I tried deny it. aku tak nak fikir lagi untuk masa sekarang. I wish for one day. sorry everyone.
1 comment:
Yes, semua yang terjadi mesti ada hikmahnya..
Salam to ur family..
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