Tuesday, October 20, 2009

sorry afiqa

how hard you study..
how hard you done a reseach..
how confident you are
and how hope are you with the certain thing..
but lastly..
the failure is still yoursss..
So bad, I have done so much practice, develop my confident, generate my energy by sleep early before the presentation tomorrow. planning everything to make it perfect and score for this subject as my target this semester..but suddently, the mistake still happen. I do not know why it still happen eventhough preparation enough have been done. I struggle for this okay. sorry to myself. Im victim of the technical problem in the class. last time, I had fail to open the picture and today, I again faail to open my video of my topic. how dissapointed am I. only Allah knows.


miserablecreature said...

besa ar 2 piqa..but a bit regret kan sbb dh pln gila2 f0r dat presentation.. Allah nk uji k0 ar 2...sabar ye syang..

fatinsyafiqahfazil. said...

hehe. chill afiqa. (: